API Reference > OdDg Classes > OdDgBSplineSurface Class > OdDgBSplineSurface Methods > OdDgBSplineSurface::setControlPointAt Method
OdDgBSplineSurface::setControlPointAt Method
OdResult setControlPointAt(OdUInt32 iUIndex, OdUInt32 iVIndex, const OdGePoint3d& point);
OdUInt32 iUIndex 
[in] An index of a control point in the u direction. Index starts from the 0 value.  
OdUInt32 iVIndex 
[in] An index of a control point in the v direction. Index starts from the 0 value.  
const OdGePoint3d& point 
[in] A new control point (in WCS coordinates) to be set at the specified position.

Returns eOk if a control point was returned successfully. If the surface doesn't contain the control point information, the method returns eFail. Returns eOutOfRange if the uIndex or vIndex are not valid.

Sets a new control point (in WCS coordinates) at a specified position in the control points vector. 


This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

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