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Demonstration Commands for PDF Export with PRC Support


Sample Name: OdTdPrcDemoCmds
Categories: C++ / Advanced / Working with .prc files / Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, Windows
Source Code Location: CommonApplications/Prc/Examples/OdTdPrcDemoCmds


A set of demonstration commands for PDF export functionality with PRC content features. These commands are contained in the OdTDPrcDemoCmds.tx module that is an extension library for ODA products.

Currently, the OdTDPrcDemoCmds module contains one command:

  • PrcSelection — This command allows to select a subset of entities from a given Drawings database with possibility of grouping these entities into several groups; then export the drawing into PDF format with PRC content support and filter selected entities.

Run Sample Application

The application module can not be run itself, but it can be loaded to another ODA based application to enhance its functionality with commands provided within the module. For example, you can load it from the OdaMfcApp sample application.

Below you can find the procedure of using the PrcSelection command from the OdTDPrcDemoCmds extension module. Please note that the following description is applicable only for Microsoft® Windows® platform.

  1. Run the OdaMfcApp sample application.
  2. Load the OdTDPrcDemoCmds extension module: select Tools —> Load Applications... from the main menu; in the Load/Unload Applications window press the Load button, find the OdTdPrcDemoCmds.tx file and check that it was added to the list. Then press the OK button.
  3. Open the required .dwg file (File —> Open.. item from the main menu).

  4. After the .dwg database is opened, the appropriate command is available from the Edit —> Registred Commands —> Pdf Export —> Prc Selection item from the main menu:

  5. You will be prompted to select entities and optionally group them into one or several groups. Select one or several entities:

  6. When selection is over, press E button to export the drawing database content to PDF format and specify the output file. When the export is successfully done, you will see that previously selected entities are filtered in the output PDF file:

See Also:

Audit of a .prc File
ODA PRC SDK Sample Applications
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