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Audit of a .prc File

ODA PRC SDK audit functionality is not implemented yet. The audit public interface will be used for future implementation.

Auditing is a process of checking PRC contents for errors. If errors are found, error information is stored and can be retrieved for displaying or other purposes.

Audit of a .prc file can be implemented through the following steps:

  1. Load an ODA Platform module for .prc functionality support:
    ::odrxDynamicLinker()->loadApp(OdPrcModuleName, false);
  2. Create an instance of the OdPrcAuditInfoImpl class:
    OdPrcAuditInfoImplPtr auditInfo = OdPrcAuditInfoImpl::createObject();      
  3. Create a drawing database and read the .prc file's contents into it:
    OdPrcFilePtr pDatabase = svcs.createDatabase();
    pDatabase->readFile(prcName, auditInfo);

    The prcName parameter should contain the full path to the audited .prc file. The auditInfo parameter contains a pointer to an audit information class and notifies whether error checking should be performed while reading the .prc file's content.

  4. Print the results of error checking:
    if (auditInfo->errorsFound()) 
      const OdStringArray& info = auditInfo->errorInfo(); odPrintConsoleString(L"\nAudit reported %d error(s):\n", info.size()); for(OdUInt32 f=0; f(info.size(); ++f)
        odPrintConsoleString(L"%ls\n", info[f].c_str());
      odPrintConsoleString(L"\nAudit reported no errors.");

To provide correct handling of possible errors, the auditing source code can use a try ... catch section:

  OdPrcAuditInfoImplPtr auditInfo = OdPrcAuditInfoImpl::createObject();
  OdString prcName(argv[1]);
catch(OdError& e)
  odPrintConsoleString(L"\n\nError: %ls", e.description().c_str());
  nRes = -1;
  odPrintConsoleString(L"\n\nUnexpected error.");
  nRes = -1;

The OdPrcAudit sample application illustrates how to audit the PRC contents of a .pdf file.

See Also:

Work with PRC Entities
Export a .prc File to an .xml File
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