Contains declarations for extents calculation functionality. | |
Contains common functions for working with Gs objects. | |
Contains declarations for preview generator functionality. | |
Contains declarations for PRC to PDF conversion. |
Class implements a set of flags determining the options for exporting PRC data to an .xml file. | |
The class that allows to store and manage parameters for three-dimensional tessellation data in decompressed format. | |
The class implements storing color parameters for a drawing node. | |
The class implements storing material information for a drawing node. | |
This class defines the interface for input/output operations and database access for samples of custom commands during their execution. | |
The class implements a module for exporting a BimRv database to the PRC format. | |
The class implements a module for exporting .dgn database to the PRC format. | |
This class implements the module for exporting a drawing database (.dwg) to the PRC format. | |
This class implements platform specific progress metering within ODA PRC SDK. | |
This class implements platform-dependent operations and progress metering for ODA PRC SDK. | |
This class implements the context for a .prc database that is used in vectorization. | |
An abstract class implementing base functionality for working with layout views in PRC SDK. | |
A class implementing functionality for working with modeler bases in PRC SDK. | |
An abstract class that represents the interface for the extract 3D stream from a .pdf file. | |
An abstract class that provides an interface of a module containing the functionality for extraction 3D stream data from a PDF file. | |
Class representing a three-dimensional curve defined through a UV-curve lying in the surface's domain. On-surface curves can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. | |
Class representing 3D tessellation data for an ordered collection of faces. | |
Class representing tessellation data for a 3D wire edge. | |
Class representing data about ambient illumination of a scene. It contains information about an entity and four indexes to describe its ambient illumination. | |
Class implements an annotation entity. | |
Class implements a single annotation item. | |
Class implements a reference to an annotations. | |
Class stores information about a group of annotation items or subgroups. | |
Class representing an array of RGB or RGBA colors. | |
Class representing a repository for attribute data: title and variable number of key-value pairs. | |
Class representing attribute data. | |
Class representing a repository for an attribute title. A title can be represented as a string (user defined title) or as an integer value (predefined title). | |
Structure stores special data for writing to an attribute. Special data can be read only by an external application. To determine the application of the read data, a default application ID is used, which is stored in the file structure the attribute belongs to. The custom application ID can be reset. | |
Class implements base functionality for working with audit log files. | |
Class implements functionality for working with audit log files. | |
Base class for representing PRC entities. | |
The base class that implements a module for exporting to the PRC format. | |
Class stores base PRC geometry information. | |
Class stores base tessellation information. | |
Class implements storing base topology information of a PRC entity. Base topology information contains name, attributer data, and identifier for an original CAD application. | |
Class stores data of a referenced base entity with graphics. | |
Class stores information about a surface, which is defined by a center curve, origin curve, and tangent curve. | |
Class stores data of a U iso-parametric curve of a Blend02 surface. | |
Class stores information about a surface, which is defined by rolling a ball with a constant radius over the center curve and contacting two surfaces. | |
Class stores information about a fillet surface, which is defined by a center curve, two rail curves, and an angle curve. | |
An abstract class which stores common information about a PRC body. | |
Class stores information about a bounding box, which has sides that are parallel to the XYZ coordinate planes. | |
Class stores boundary representation data. | |
Class stores information about a boundary representation model. | |
Class stores information about a camera. | |
Class stores data of line styles. | |
Class implements a two-dimensional circle with its possible parameterization and transformation for positioning in model space. | |
Class implements a three-dimensional circle with its possible parameterization and transformation for positioning in model space. | |
Class stores data of an edge inside the loop. | |
Class implements functionality of a color index management. Color indexes are stored in an array that can be retrieved through calling one of the colors() methods of the OdPrcFileStructureGlobals object. | |
Class stores information about the one-dimensional mathematical combination function. | |
This class defines the interface for I/O operations and database access for custom commands during their execution. | |
Class implements a two-dimensional composite curve containing one or several sub curves. | |
Class implements a three-dimensional composite curve containing one or several sub curves. | |
Abstract class for input/output operations with compressed data. | |
Class implements a compressed file dumper. | |
Class implements a conical surface. The axis of this surface lies along the z-axis. | |
Class representing a space region delimited by one or more shells. | |
Class representing a construction plane. | |
Class stores additional data of base topological entities. | |
Class stores additional data of a curve. | |
Class representing information for filtering by entities. | |
Class defines information about the reference to any entity that can be referenced. | |
Class representing information about reference entities in a product's remote occurrences. | |
Class representing information for an entity filtered by layer. | |
Class stores data about a light. | |
Class representing a light of a scene from a point with attenuation factors. | |
Class representing an attribute with its data. | |
Class representing additional information about a surface, for example, name of surface and attributes and how the surface extends past its boundary. | |
Class representing data defining a wire edge. It contains information about a 3D curve, which defines the geometrical shape of the edge. | |
A class that implements the functionality for working with the context of exporting a .dwg database to the PDF format with PRC support. This class supports export in one viewport in the output PDF document (Single View Mode). | |
A class that implements the functionality for working with the context of exporting a BimRv database to the PDF format with PRC support. This class supports export in one viewport in the output PDF document (Single View Mode). | |
A class that implements the functionality for working with the context of exporting a .dgn database to the PDF format with PRC support. This class supports export in one viewport in the output PDF document (Single View Mode). | |
A class that implements the functionality for working with the context of exporting a .dwg database to the PDF format with PRC support. This class supports export into individual viewport in the output PDF document (one viewport per one entity). | |
A class that implements the functionality for working with the context of exporting a .dwg database to the PDF format with PRC support. This class supports the export of solid entities into individual viewport in the output PDF document (one viewport per one entity). The two-dimensional geometry is exported into PDF without PRC support. | |
A class that implements the functionality for working with the context of exporting a .dwg database to the PDF format with PRC support. This class supports the export of all solids entities in one viewport in the output PDF document (Single View Mode). The two-dimensional geometry is exported into PDF without PRC support. | |
Class representing a coordinate system. | |
Class representing crossing points data. | |
An abstract class of a curve. This class is the base class for various curve classes. | |
Class implements a two-dimensional curve. | |
Class implements a three-dimensional curve. | |
Class representing a definition of a cylinder. The axis of this surface lies along the z-axis. | |
Class representing a definition of a cylindrical surface represented in a cylindrical coordinate system. The axis of this surface lies along the z-axis. | |
Class representing a direction vector. | |
Class representing a scene directional illumination. | |
Class implements the PRC domain for surface uv-parameterization. | |
Class representing a two-dimensional dotting pattern with points. | |
Implements dumping functionality for .prc content. | |
Class representing an edge which is a bounded segment of a curve. | |
Class implements a two-dimensional ellipse with its possible parameterization and transformation for positioning in model space. | |
Class implements a three-dimensional ellipse with its possible parameterization and transformation for positioning in model space. | |
A class that implements entity dumping functionality. | |
Class implements a two-dimensional curve defined by mathematical functions of one variable on the X and Y axis. Equation curve can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. | |
Class implements a three-dimensional curve defined by mathematical functions of one variable on the X, Y and Z axis. Equation curve can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. | |
Class implements storing .prc export context and operations with it. | |
Class representing an extruded surface with a base curve that is extruded along a sweep vector. | |
Class representing a surface's bounded part which is defined by a surface, an optional domain for trimming a face definition, an associated tolerance, and a list of loops for delimiting a bounded part. | |
Class implements .prc file functionality. A .prc file contains a collection of the .prc file structure, one model file, and one header. | |
Class implements .prc file settings. | |
Class implements a .prc file structure. Each .prc file structure consists of the following parts: ... more | |
Class implements exact geometry and topology data of the leaf items of the file structure tree. Exact geometry consists of an array of topological contexts. A topological context contains an array of boundary representation bodies. Each exact geometry or topological entity belongs to only one context. | |
Class implements file structure geometry. File structure geometry contains exact geometry and user defined data. | |
Class stores global data of a file structure. Global data contains coordinate systems, colors, line styles, and references to other file structures for each entity in the file structure. | |
Class represents an implementation of internal data of a .prc file structure. Internal data of the file structure contains an identifier of the root product occurrence and the current available unique index for assigning entities that can be referenced within the file structure. | |
Class stores tessellation data of the file structure. | |
Class implements a file structure tree. A file structure tree contains a hierarchy of nodes representing product occurrences, part definitions, representation items, and markups. | |
This is an abstract class that implements .prc file input/output operations. | |
Class implements a controller for .prc file content. | |
Class stores data of fill patterns. | |
Class stores information about the filtering of sub-parts inside a complex part. | |
Class stores information about a three-dimensional point. Coordinates of the point are represented in float format. | |
Class stores information about a list of usages for the same font and character set with various attributes. | |
Class stores information about a ruled surface, which is defined by two curves that have points connected by lines. | |
Class stores information about graphics. | |
Class implements storage for graphical properties values that can be applied to an entity: show flag and its inheritance, color, and material. | |
Class stores data for filling hatches with patterns. | |
Class representing one hatch pattern line. | |
Class implements a helix with a constant pitch. A helix is a three-dimensional curve defined on an [-infinite, infinite] interval. A helix can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. | |
Class implements a helix with a variable pitch. A helix is a three-dimensional curve defined on an [-infinite, infinite] interval. A helix can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. | |
This class is the base class for platform specific operations within PRC SDK. | |
Class implements a two-dimensional hyperbola defined on an [-infinite, infinite] interval. A hyperbola can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. | |
Class implements a three-dimensional hyperbola defined on the [-infinite, infinite] interval. A hyperbola can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. | |
Class implements a curve which represents the exact intersections of two surfaces. An intersection curve can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. | |
Class stores information about intervals. | |
Class implements a two-dimensional line. A canonical line is allocated along the positive half of the X-axis and starts from the 0.0 point. A line can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. | |
Class implements a three-dimensional line. A canonical line is allocated along the positive half of the X-axis and starts from the 0.0 point. A line can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. | |
Class stores data for displaying dashes and gaps. | |
Abstract class for any entity dumper. Contains an interface for dumping values of base PRC data types. | |
Class stores information about a loop. A loop is a list of co-edges that bound a piece of a face. | |
Class stores data of a low level file dumper. | |
Class stores data of markups. | |
Class stores data of a markup leader. | |
Class stores data of establishing a cross reference between markup and geometry. | |
Class stores data of data serialization for markup font information. | |
Class stores information about the behavior of a tessellation related to a markup. | |
Markup tessellation buffer is a base class for storing markup tessellation entities. It is implemented as a single linked list. | |
Class implements a markup tessellation buffer for a block of tessellation entities. | |
Class implements a markup tessellation buffer for colors. | |
Class implements a markup tessellation buffer for cylinders. | |
Class implements a markup tessellation buffer for face view mode. | |
Class implements a markup tessellation buffer for fixed sized entities in blocks. | |
Class implements a markup tessellation buffer for fonts. | |
Class implements a markup tessellation buffer for frames. | |
Class implements a markup tessellation buffer for a matrix. | |
Class implements a markup tessellation buffer for point sets. | |
Class implements a markup tessellation buffer for polygons. | |
Class implements a markup tessellation buffer for a polyline. | |
Class implements a markup tessellation buffer for symbols. | |
Class implements a markup tessellation buffer for text. | |
Class implements a markup tessellation buffer for triangles. | |
Class stores data connected with markups. | |
Class implements operations with a material. | |
Class stores generic data of materials. | |
Base class for mathematical evaluations. | |
Base class for one-dimensional mathematical evaluations. | |
Class stores information about a one-dimensional trigonometric arc-function. | |
Class stores information about the combination of several one-dimensional mathematical functions. | |
Class stores information about a fraction of two one-dimensional equations. | |
Class stores information about a one-dimensional polynomial equation. | |
Class stores information about a one-dimensional trigonometric equation. | |
Base class for three-dimensional mathematical evaluations. | |
Class stores information about the evaluation of a 3D linear function. | |
Class stores information about the evaluation of a 3D non-linear function. | |
Class stores information about imported data from a CAD file. | |
Class stores information about a vertex at the position that is the average value of extremity positions of all edges. | |
Class representing a PRC entity name. | |
Class implements a two-dimensional non-uniform rational bspline (NURBS) curve. | |
Class implements a three-dimentional non-uniform rational bspline (NURBS) curve. | |
Class stores information about a rational b-spline surface. | |
Class implements PRC object identifier (ID) functionality. | |
Class implements an offset of a three-dimensional curve along the binormal. Binormal is defined by the curve's tangent and plane normal offset. The offset curve must be a 3D curve without transformation. Parameterization has coefficients with default values (coef_a is equal 1.0, coef_b is equal 0.0), and the interval is equal to the base curve interval. | |
Class stores information about a surface that is defined by a surface that is offset along its normal by a given distance. | |
Class implements a two-dimensional parabolic curve (parabola). A parabola can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. | |
Class implements a three-dimensional parabolic curve (parabola). A parabola can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. | |
Class for storing and working with a curve domain and parameters. It contains an interval for specifying curve domain values and two coefficients (coeff_a and coeff_b) used to parameterize the curve to its implicit parameters. | |
Class representing a part definition. It consists of a bounding box and views with annotations or specific display parameters. | |
Class representing a picture embedded in the .prc file. | |
Class representing a two-dimensional filling pattern based on a vectorized picture. | |
Class representing a planar surface as the XY plane with a canonical definition. | |
Class representing a scene light from a point with attenuation factors. | |
Class representing a group of 3D points. | |
Class representing a PolyBrepModel defined with tessellation data. | |
Class implements a two-dimensional polyline consisting of a set of lines defined by a sequence of points. A polyline can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. | |
Class implements a three-dimensional polyline consisting of a set of lines defined by a sequence of points. A polyline can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. | |
Class representing a PolyWire entity. | |
The class implements creating preview images for views, which exist in a PRC file. | |
Class stores product occurrence information. | |
Class representing an assembly tree. | |
Class representing a reference to a referenced entity. | |
Class representing a reference entity. | |
Base class for a referenced PRC entity. | |
Class implements functionality for operating with references of a product occurrence. | |
An abstract class of representation items. This class is the base for various representation item classes. | |
Class representing common data for all representation item entities. | |
Class representing a surface of revolution. A base curve that revolves around an axis of revolution defines this surface. | |
Class representing a color defined with 3 components: red, green, blue. | |
Class represents a ruled surface defined by connecting points on each of two curves by a straight line. | |
Class representing a group of parameters used for scene visualization, such as an ambient light and camera. | |
Class implements PRC schema functionality. The schema stores information about the difference between PRC format versions and allows entities of a specified type to be readable by old versions of applications. The schema consists of an array of schema definitions for each entity type that has been changed. The schema definition consists of entity type codes and an array of tokens which determine the type of entity. Each token is an array of blocks describing the PRC entity's versions. | |
Class stores information about an array of representation items. | |
Class stores information about an array of topological items. | |
Class stores information about a single wire body. | |
Class stores information about a filling pattern with a defined style. | |
Class stores information about a surface that is defined with a sphere centered at the origin. | |
Class stores information about a light from a spot illumination. | |
Base class of surfaces. | |
Class stores tessellation data for a face. | |
Class representing a complex texture pipe to be applied. | |
Class representing a group of texture parameters used in a texture application. | |
Class representing a texture mapping type. | |
Class representing transformation data used in a texture definition. | |
Class representing functions for writing PRC data to an output .pdf file. | |
Class representing functions of writing PRC data to an output .xml file. | |
Class representing a set of geometry and topology. It contains topological bodies that are represented as entry elements and points to geometry and topological items. | |
A base class that is used for representing all topological entities. | |
Class representing a torus centred at the origin. The major axis of this surface is placed in the XY plane. | |
Class represents a 2D transformation defined by a 3x3-sized matrix. | |
Class represents a 3D transformation defined by a 4x4-sized matrix. | |
Class implements a two-dimensional transformed curve. A transformed curve is a curve defined by the result of a three-dimensional mathematical function applied to a base curve. A transfomed curve can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. | |
Class implements a three-dimensional transformed curve. A transformed curve is a curve defined by the result of a three-dimensional mathematical function applied to a base curve. A transfomed curve can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. | |
Class representing a surface that is defined by a 3D mathematical transformation applied to a base surface. | |
Class for storing and operating with surface parameterization. It contains a surface domain and four coefficients (u_coeff_a and v_coeff_a, u_coeff_b, and v_coeff_b) used to parameterize the surface to its implicit parameters. | |
Class provides methods for working with uncompressed .prc files. | |
Class implements an uncompressed file dumper. | |
Class implements a function of embedding private data in a .prc file. | |
Class representing a unique identifier (UID). | |
Class representing an unique vertex. A vertex position is specified with a tolerance and a 3D absolute position. | |
Class representing the units used in a .prc file. | |
An abstract class which implements a units formatter interface. | |
This class provides the default implementation for OdDbUnitsFormatter. | |
Class implements operations with user defined data. | |
Class representing a view that is associated with planes. It also can define an entity's visibilities and an entity's positions. | |
Class representing a wire curve. | |
Class representing a 3D curve which has a trimming interval for limiting the geometric definition of the curve. | |
An abstract class that the represents the interface for the import from a U3D file. | |
The abstract class that provides an interface for the U3D import module. | |
A class for protocol extension that implements exporting a BimRv drawable element from a BimRv database to the PDF format with PRC support. This class reimplements the drawableToPRC() method of the PdfExportGiDrawablePE_Default class. | |
A protocol extension class that implements PDF export of a polyline entity. | |
A protocol extension class that implements PDF export of a 3D solid entity. | |
A protocol extension class that implements PDF export of a circleArc entity. | |
A protocol extension class that implements PDF export of a body entity. | |
A protocol extension class that implements PDF export of a circle entity. | |
A protocol extension class that implements PDF export of a curve entity. | |
A class for protocol extension that implements exporting a Gi drawable entity from .dgn database to the PDF format. This class reimplements the drawableToPRC() method of the PdfExportGiDrawablePE_Default class. | |
A class for protocol extension with default implementation of the PDF export functionality of a Gi drawable entity. This class reimplements the drawableToPRC() method of the PdfExportGiDrawablePE class. | |
A protocol extension class that implements the PDF export of a Gi drawable entity. | |
A protocol extension class that implements PDF export of a line entity. | |
A protocol extension class that implements PDF export of a polyline entity. | |
A protocol extension class that implements PDF export of a region entity. | |
An abstract protocol extension class that implements a common interface for PDF export of B-Rep objects. | |
A protocol extension class that implements PDF export of a surface entity. | |
A protocol extension class that implements the functionality for exporting a layer table record to a PDF layer. | |
The class implements resolving color and material operations during export to PRC format. |
Creates a new Brep Builder instance of a specified Brep type. | |
Export pDrawable as mesh into prc file (into context), prc file (from context) into stream, or both - depending on export params. | |
Export mesh into prc file (into context), prc file (from context) into stream, or both - depending on export params. | |
Retrieves the current entity material. | |
Auxiliary function to display different messages. | |
Reads an array of double values from a file. | |
Reads an array of double values from a file. | |
Reads an array of double values from a compressed data stream and converts it into a float values array. | |
Reads an array of double values from a compressed data stream and converts it into a float values array. | |
Reads an array of 32-bit integer values from a file. | |
Reads an array of 32-bit integer values from a file. | |
Reads an array of 2D points from a file. | |
Reads an array of 2D points from a file. | |
Reads an array of 3D points from a file. | |
Reads an array of 3D points from a file. | |
Reads an array of strings from a file. | |
Reads an array of unsigned 32-bit integer values from a file. | |
Reads an array of 3D vectors from a file. | |
Reads an array of 3D vectors from a file. | |
Saves the current material to a specified export context object. | |
Saves the current true color to a specified export context object. | |
Writes an array of double values to a stream. | |
Writes an array of double values to a stream. | |
Writes an array of float values as an array of double values to a compressed data stream . | |
Writes an array of float values as an array of double values to a compressed data stream . | |
Writes an array of 32-bit integer values to a stream. | |
Writes an array of 32-bit integer values to a stream. | |
Writes an array of 2D points to a stream. | |
Writes an array of 2D points to a stream. | |
Writes an array of 3D points to a stream. | |
Writes an array of 3D points to a stream. | |
Writes an array of strings to a stream. | |
Writes an array of unsigned 32-bit integer values to a stream. | |
Writes an array of 3D vectors to a stream. | |
Writes an array of 3D vectors to a stream. |
Enumeration represents the list of valid attribute titles. | |
Enumeration represents list of valid NURBS curve forms. | |
Enumeration represents list of valid NURBS surface forms. | |
Enumeration represents available character sets. | |
Enumeration represents methods of curve and surface extensions. There are two types of extensions: C and G continuous. | |
Provides information about an intersection curve limit. | |
Enumeration represents types of knot vectors. | |
Enumeration represents data types for PRC Modeller. | |
Enumeration represents list of valid picture formats. | |
Enumeration represents the product occurrence's load status. Load status determines whether an external resource was available at the moment of creating the .prc file. | |
Enumeration Of Schema Tokens. | |
Enumeration represents method of using a texture alpha test. Reserved for future use. | |
Enumeration represents methods of texture blending. Reserved for future use. | |
Enumeration represents painting methods for the texture on the surface. | |
Enumeration represents operators used for computing the mapping coordinates. | |
Enumeration represents available methods to retrieve mapping coordinates. | |
Enumeration represents available texture repeating and clamping modes. | |
Teigh PRC messages enumerator. | |
The structure stores information of a view assigned with a assembly node. | |
Open mode enumerator. Determines the result of opening a PRC object. | |
Enumerator implements types of orientation. |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdGiContextForPrcDatabase object pointers. | |
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdGsPrcLayoutHelper object pointers. | |
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdGsPrcModelHelper object pointers. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to a module object that provides 3D stream data extraction functionality. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to a PDF 3D stream extractor object. | |
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A data type that represents an array of combination functions. | |
This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPrcCommandContext object pointers. | |
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A data type that represents an array of float three-dimensional points. | |
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A specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPrcMarkupTessBufBlock object pointers. | |
A specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPrcMarkupTessBufColor object pointers. | |
A specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPrcMarkupTessBufCylinder object pointers. | |
A specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPrcMarkupTessBufFaceView object pointers. | |
A specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPrcMarkupTessBufFixedSize object pointers. | |
A specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPrcMarkupTessBufFont object pointers. | |
A specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPrcMarkupTessBufFrame object pointers. | |
A specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPrcMarkupTessBufMatrix object pointers. | |
A specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPrcMarkupTessBufPoints object pointers. | |
A specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPrcMarkupTessBufPolygon object pointers. | |
A specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPrcMarkupTessBufPolyline object pointers. | |
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A specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPrcMarkupTessBufSymbol object pointers. | |
A specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPrcMarkupTessBufText object pointers. | |
A specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPrcMarkupTessBufTriangles object pointers. | |
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This template class is a specialization of the OdSmartPtr class for OdPrcUnitsFormatter object pointers. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to a U3D import module. | |
A data type that represents a smart pointer to an U3D importer object. | |
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For Adobe reader 9 or later |
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