This class is for working with Parts List symbols. The class contains no special services, but it can contain filters. The class has successors that realize standard-specific variations: AcmCPartListStdANSI, AcmCPartListStdBS, AcmCPartListStdDIN, AcmCPartListStdISO, and AcmCPartListStdJIS.
File: AcmCPartListStd.h
Creates a new instance of an AcmCPartListStd class. | |
Destructor for objects of the AcmCPartListStd class. Frees allocated resources. |
Defines the attachment point for a Parts List. | |
Defines the column split style for the Parts List. | |
Defines the column split wrap for a Parts List. | |
Defines the text margin type for a Parts List. | |
Defines the available text controls for a Parts List. | |
Defines the text for a Parts List. |
Gets the attachment point type for the Parts List. | |
Checks whether the attachment point type for the Parts List is by standard. | |
Initializes the Parts List standard. | |
Checks whether the Parts List is visible. | |
Gets the number of rows to split a Parts List column by. | |
Gets the number of sections to split a Parts List column by. | |
Gets the split style of the Parts List column. | |
Gets the split wrap of the Parts List column. | |
Gets the name of the custom block scheme. | |
Gets the text color for data in a Parts List independent of symbol text color. | |
Checks whether the text color for data in a Parts List independent of symbol text color is by standard. | |
Gets the text size for data in a Parts List independent of symbol text size. | |
Checks whether the text size for data in the Parts List is by standard. | |
Gets the true color for data in the Parts List. | |
Reads the object specific data from a .dwg file. | |
Writes the object-specific data to a .dwg file. | |
Gets the flag that indicates whether blocks that do not contain any evaluated values are displayed. | |
Gets the color of the frame in the Parts List. | |
Gets the true color of the frame in the Parts List. | |
Gets access to the parent class. | |
Gets a list of OdDbBlockTableRecords objects that are used to display the Parts List. | |
Gets the list of currently displayed columns. | |
Gets the revision and the release year of the Parts List. | |
Gets subentities of the Parts List symbol. | |
Gets the color of head text in the Parts List. | |
Checks whether the text color of head text in a Parts List is by standard. | |
Gets the height for the text that is used to display the heading and title. | |
Checks whether the height for the text that is used to display the heading and the title is by standard. | |
Gets the true color of head text in the Parts List. | |
Gets the gap used to display the heading and title. | |
Gets the recalculated height of the heading, including the gap. | |
Initializes the Parts List standard. | |
Prepares a symbol standard to be edited as the original or non-original standard. | |
Prepares a symbol standard to be edited as the original standard. | |
Checks whether the vertical line is bold. | |
Checks whether splitting of the Parts List column is enabled. | |
Checks whether the Parts List wraps around the title block. | |
Gets the status of generating a Parts List by using an old DSK mask file after migration. | |
Checks whether the grip frame for the current Parts List is enabled. | |
Indicates whether the header for the current Parts List is enabled. | |
Gets the line spacing for the Parts List. | |
Gets the default value of the word wrap function. | |
Gets the default width of the Parts List. | |
Gets the recalculated height of the one row. | |
This is the callback from AcmBOMStd that informs the Parts List that it is going to remove the column of this index. The Parts List standard should remove the index from its list. | |
Gets the row gap. | |
Gets the recalculated height of the one row, including the gap and the line spacing. | |
Sets the attachment point type for the Parts List. | |
Specifies whether the attachment point type for the Parts List is by standard. | |
Sets the color of the column line in the Parts List. | |
Sets the list of currently displayed columns. | |
Specifies whether splitting of the Parts List column is enabled. | |
Sets the number of rows to split a Parts List column by. | |
Sets the number of sections to split a Parts List column by. | |
Sets the split style of the Parts List column. | |
Sets the split wrap of the Parts List column. | |
Specifies whether the Parts List wraps around the title block. | |
Sets the name of the scheme being used to display the Parts List. | |
Gets the flag that allows use of an old DSK mask file to generate a Parts List after a Parts List is migrated. | |
Sets the text color for data in a Parts List independent of symbol text color. | |
Specifies whether the text color for data in a Parts List independent of symbol text color is by standard. | |
Sets the text size for data in the Parts List independent of symbol text size. | |
Specifies whether the text size for data in the Parts List is by standard. | |
Sets the true color for data in the Parts List. | |
Forwards the call to the Parts List standard and Balloon standard objects, if they are defined. | |
Sets the flag that specifies whether blocks that do not contain any evaluated values are displayed. | |
Sets the color of the frame in the Parts List. | |
Sets the true color of the frame in the Parts List. | |
Sets the color of head text in the Parts List. | |
Specifies whether the text color of head text in a Parts List is by standard. | |
Sets the height for the text that is used to display the heading and title. | |
Specifies whether the height for the text that is used to display the heading and the title is by standard. | |
Sets the true color of head text in the Parts List. | |
Sets the gap used to display the heading and title. | |
Specifies whether the vertical line is bold. | |
Specifies whether the grip frame for the current Parts List is enabled. | |
Specifies whether the header for the current Parts List is enabled. | |
Sets the line spacing for the Parts List. | |
Sets whether to use word wrap. | |
Sets the row gap. | |
Sets the suggested values for any value in the Parts List standard. | |
Sets the Parts List heading and row text controls. | |
Sets the text type information. | |
Sets the Parts List text margin for a specified text type. | |
Specifies whether the text style for data in the Parts List is by standard. | |
Sets the text style ID for data in the Parts List independent of symbol text style. | |
Sets the setting of the title. | |
Gets the Parts List heading and row text controls. | |
Gets the text type information. | |
Gets the Parts List text margin for a specified text type. | |
Checks whether the text style for data in the Parts List is by standard. | |
Gets the text style ID for data in the Parts List independent of symbol text style. | |
Gets the setting of the title. | |
Calculates the lineweight value for vertical lines based on settings of the specified layer. |
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