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IFC SDK Modules

IFC SDK includes several modules that interact with other ODA SDKs and applications:

  • IfcCore — A module that implements high-level IFC-related functionality. IfcCore binds low-level Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI) functions with ODA components that solve typical tasks such as vectorizing, geometry calculation, etc. This module contains:
    • Classes that draw IFC models using ODA Kernel SDK functionality (such as Gi and Gs classes, database protocol extensions, host application services).
    • Abstract classes that implement IFC entity functionality and working with IFC geometry.

    Source Code Location: Ifc.

  • Schema version modules — These modules contain:
    • Predefined EXPRESS SCHEMA definitions for version formats.
    • Sets version format entities for working in both early-binding and late-binding styles.

    Schema version modules list:

    • IFC2X2_FINAL
    • IFC2X3
    • IFC4
    • IFC4X1
    • IFC4X2
    • IFC4X3_RC1
    • IFC4X3_RC3
  • sdai — An extension module that implements the Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI) for accessing and working with IFC data. This module contains:
    • STEP physical file read functionality.
    • A STEP physical file's header section handling.
    • Ability to work with schema definitions.
    • Ability to get access to entity attributes.

    Source Code Location: Ifc.

  • BCF — An extension module that implements working with BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) files.

    Source Code Location: Ifc.

  • Ifc2Dwg — An extension module that is used to export the contents of an IFC file to a drawing database. To use this extension module, the Drawings SDK archive of the appropriate version is needed. To access Ifc2Dwg geometry conversion, choose File > Open in the OdaMfcApp example application.

    Source Code Location: Exchange/Exports/Ifc2Dwg.

  • Dwg2Ifc — An extension module that is used to import contents of a drawing database to an IFC file. To use this extension module, the Drawings SDK archive of the appropriate version is needed.

    Source Code Location: Exchange/Imports/Dwg2Ifc.

  • IfcGeom — A module that provides an interface for working with IFC geometry objects. It implements building a geometric representation of an IFC model. This module is a realization of the IFC ModelerGeometry Abstract Level (represented with the OdIfcModelerGeometry abstract class).

    Source Code Location: Ifc.

  • IfcBrepModeler — An extension module that implements working with B-Rep Modeler geometry and implements low-level geometry build operations. This module is a realization of the IFC ModelerGeometry Abstract Level (represented with the OdIfcModelerGeometry abstract class).

    Source Code Location: Ifc.

  • IfcFacetModeler — An extension module that implements working with Facet Modeler geometry and implements low-level geometry build operations. This module is a realization of the IFC ModelerGeometry Abstract Level (represented with the OdIfcModelerGeometry abstract class).

    Source Code Location: Ifc.

  • Example Applications — A set of sample applications that illustrate different IFC functionality features.

    Source Code Location: Ifc/Examples.

    For additional information about examples, see IFC SDK Sample Applications.

IFC SDK depends on Kernel SDK. To use IFC SDK for creating custom applications, download and unpack the Kernel SDK archive.

See Also

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