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ODA IFC SDK Developer's Guide

ODA IFC SDK Developer's Guide contains the following chapters:

  • Introduction into IFC Format — Describes the basic principles of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC).
  • Obtain IFC SDK — Provides an overview of IFC SDK and contains instructions to determine what archive fits your platform and guides you through the download process. After you download and unpack the appropriate archive, this section helps you with activation.
  • Get Started with IFC SDK — Provides an overview of IFC SDK and shows how to start using it. Provides detailed information about downloading released archives for supported platforms and building and running sample applications.
  • Basic Concepts of IFC SDK Usage — Describes how to start with IFC SDK functionality.
  • IFC Data Management — Describes various mechanisms for managing IFC data that are available within IFC SDK:
  • Interaction with Other Formats — Shows how to export and import IFC content.
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