The ExIfcModelValidator example is a sample application that explores the content of a model and its instances, checking whether their contain
violations of validation constraints, prints notifications to the console window, and generates text and HTML files, which contains the results the validation check and error fixes.
Run Sample Application
To run the ExIfcModelValidator sample application, please do the following:
Open the terminal window and go to the directory where the sample binary file is allocated:
For Windows® platforms: <IFC_DIR>\exe\<version>
For Non-Windows platforms: <IFC_DIR>/bin/<version>
<IFC_DIR> is a directory where you unpacked the IFC SDK archive.
This picture shows the application output after it correctly finishes.
The picture below illustrates an example of the console output in the case
when the application run incorrectly (for example, without specifying input parameters):
The content of the created log file is represented at the followed image: