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IfcImpactProtectionDevice Class
class IfcImpactProtectionDevice : public IfcElementComponent;

A impact protection device is a component used to protect other built elements from kinetic damage. impact protection devices currently come in 3 different varieties: 


  • A vibration damper used to minimize the effects of vibration in a structure by dissipating kinetic energy. The damper can be passive (elastic, frictional, inertia) or active (in a system using sensors and actuators).
  • A vibration isolator is a device used to minimize the effects of vibration transmissibility in a structure.
  • Impact devices that dissipate kinetic energy from impacting elements (such as vehicles) by deformation or elastic mechanics.


Object Typing

This concept can be applied to the following resources:

  • IfcImpactProtectionDeviceType


Property Sets for Objects

This concept can be applied to the following resources:

  • Pset_ImpactProtectionDeviceOccurrenceBumper (only applies to BUMPER)
  • Pset_ImpactProtectionDeviceTypeBumper (only applies to BUMPER)
  • Pset_FenderCommon (only applies to FENDER)


Quantity Sets

This concept can be applied to the following resources:

  • Qto_ImpactProtectionDeviceBaseQuantities

File: IfcImpactProtectionDeviceAutoImpl.h 

Namespace: OdIfc4x3_rc1 

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