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IfcTypeObject Class
class IfcTypeObject : public IfcObjectDefinition;

The object type defines the specific information about a type, being common to all occurrences of this type. It refers to the specific level of the well recognized generic - specific - occurrencemodeling paradigm. The IfcTypeObject gets assigned to the individual object instances (the occurrences) via the IfcRelDefinesByType relationship.

  • NOTE: The terms 'Type' and 'Style' are often used interchangeably.


The object type is represented by a set of property set definitions. The attached property sets describe the available alpha-numeric information about the object type and are used to define all common properties that apply to all object occurrences of that type.

  • NOTE: If a property having the same name is used within the IfcPropertySet assigned to an IfcTypeObject (and subtypes) and to an occurrence of that type, then the occurrence property overrides the type property. See IfcRelDefinesByType for more information.


Object types may be exchanged without being already assigned to objects. An object type may have an indication of the library (or catalog) from which its definition originates. This association is handled by the inherited HasAssociations relationship pointing to IfcRelAssociatesLibrary. 



  • IFC2X3 changes: The IfcTypeObject is now subtyped from the new supertype IfcObjectDefinition, and the attribute HasPropertySets has been changed from a LIST into a SET.
  • IFC4 changes: The entity IfcTypeObject is not instantiated from IFC4 and later releases. It is be changed into an ABSTRACT supertype in future releases of IFC. The inverse attribute Types has been renamed from ObjectTypeOf.

File: IfcTypeObjectAutoImpl.h 

Namespace: OdIfc4x3 

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