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IfcStructuralCurveAction Class
class IfcStructuralCurveAction : public IfcStructuralAction;

A structural curve action defines an action which is distributed over a curve. A curve action can be connected with a curve member or curve connection, or surface member or surface connection. 


Coordinate Systems

Coordinate systems and related behavior is the same as for IfcStructuralActivity. 


Topology Use Definitions
  • Standard Case: If connected with a curve item, instances of IfcStructuralCurveAction have no ObjectPlacement nor Representation. It is implied that the placement and representation of the IfcStructuralActivity is the same as the ones of the member or connection.
  • Special Case 1: If connected with a surface item, instances of IfcStructuralCurveAction have an ObjectPlacement and Representation, containing an IfcEdgeCurve. See IfcStructuralActivity for further definitions.
  • Special Case 2: If not connected with a structural item (which can happen in an incomplete or conceptual model), a curve action should have an ObjectPlacement and Representation, containing an IfcEdgeCurve. See IfcStructuralActivity for further definitions.

File: IfcStructuralCurveActionAutoImpl.h 

Namespace: OdIfc4x3 

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