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IfcCostItem Class
class IfcCostItem : public IfcControl;

An IfcCostItem describes a cost or financial value together with descriptive information that describes its context in a form that enables it to be used within a cost schedule. An IfcCostItem can be used to represent the cost of goods and services, the execution of works by a process, lifecycle cost and more. 

Each instance of IfcCostItem may have a name and a description. Depending on the use for which the cost is intended, these values should be asserted on the basis of agreement. For instance, the Name attribute could be used to provide a common value that enables distinct instances to be brought together in a nesting arrangement while the Description attribute may be used to provide text used for item description in a costing schedule. 



The Classification Association concept applies to this entity. 

Instances of IfcCostItem are used for cost estimates, budgets, and other forms, where a variety of identification codes are used extensively to identify the meaning of the cost. Examples include project phase codes, CSI codes, takeoff sequence numbers, and cost accounts. The model allows for all classes that are ultimately subtypes of IfcObject to inherit the ability to have one or more instances of IfcClassificationReference to be assigned. Where identification codes are required, the generic IfcRelAssociatesClassification facility should be used.  


Control Assignment

The Control Assignment concept template applies to this entity as shown in the table below

For quantity-based costs based on product occurrences, spatial structures, or other physical artifacts
For quantity-based costs based on tasks, procedures, or events
For quantity-based costs based on resource allocations
For cost rates based on product models
For cost rates based on process models of historical or projected duration
For cost rates based on resource models of historical or projected productivity


The figure below illustrates cost item assignment derived from building elements. The IfcRelAssignsToControl relationship indicates building elements for which quantities are derived. Costs may also be derived from building elements by traversing assignment relationships from the assigned IfcProduct to IfcProcess to IfcResource, where all costs ultimately originate at resources. It is also possible for cost items to have assignments from processes or resources directly.


File: IfcCostItemAutoImpl.h 

Namespace: OdIfc4 

No members matching the current filter
No members matching the current filter
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