File: IfcFlowMovingDeviceAutoImpl.h
Namespace: OdIfc2x2_final
Creates a new application instance with default parameters. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Default constructor for the IfcElement class. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Default constructor for the IfcObject class. (Inherited from IfcObject) | |
Default constructor for the IfcRoot class. (Inherited from IfcRoot) | |
Creates a new IFC instance object with default parameters. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
Destroys the instance object. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) |
Returns the result of the instance resolution represented as a compound object. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
Returns the result of the instance resolution represented as a two-dimensional matrix. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
Returns the result of the instance resolution represented as a three-dimensional vector. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
Returns the result of the instance resolution represented as a two-dimensional point. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
Returns the result of the instance resolution represented as a three-dimensional point. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
Returns the result of the instance resolution represented as an ![]() | |
Returns the result of the instance resolution represented as a two-dimensional vector. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
Returns the result of the instance resolution represented as a three-dimensional vector. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
Cleans dynamic attributes. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Compares the application instance object with another object. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Compares the application instance object with another object by comparing their inverse attributes. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
details Copies the contents of the specified object into this object. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Retrieves the Named/Defined data types of the entity instance according to the schema types hierarchy. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Retrieves the identifiers of the attributes of entity instances which refer to the current entity instance within the model. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Retrieves the identifiers of all entity instances in the model which refer to the entity instance through the specified attribute. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Retrieves the identifiers of all the entity instances in the model which refer to the entity instance through the specified attribute name. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Retrieves the identifiers of all the entity instances in the model that refer to the current entity instance. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Retrieves the current value of an attribute specified by its name. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Retrieves the current value of the attribute specified by its name. (Inherited from OdDAIObjectSDAI) | |
Returns an attribute value for the specified attribute definition. (Inherited from IfcDistributionFlowElement) | |
Retrieves the current value of an attribute specified by its definition. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
This is the overview for the getAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the getAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the getAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the getAttr method overload. | |
Retrieves the current value of an attribute specified by its name in case-insensitive mode. (Inherited from OdDAIObjectSDAI) | |
Calculates a value of a derived attribute specified by its name. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Returns the description of an object. (Inherited from IfcRoot) | |
Returns a globally unique identifier within the entire software world. (Inherited from IfcRoot) | |
Retrieves the type of the Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI) object. (Inherited from OdDAIObjectSDAI) | |
Returns a type of a class instance. (Inherited from IfcDistributionElement) | |
Returns a type of a class instance. (Inherited from IfcDistributionFlowElement) | |
Returns a type of a class instance. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Returns a type of a class instance. | |
Returns a type of a class instance. (Inherited from IfcObject) | |
Returns a type of a class instance. (Inherited from IfcProduct) | |
Returns a type of a class instance. (Inherited from IfcRoot) | |
Returns the value of ConnectedFrom attribute. This attribute represents the reference to the element connection relationship. The relationship then refers to the other element that is connected to this element. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Returns the value of ConnectedTo attribute. This attribute represents the reference to the element connection relationship. The relationship then refers to the other element to which this element is connected to. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Returns the value of ContainedInStructure attribute. This attribute represents the containment relationship to the spatial structure element, to which the element is primarily associated. This containment relationship has to be hierarchical, i.e. an element can only be assigned directly to zero or one spatial structure. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Returns the value of Decomposes attribute. This attribute represents the references to the decomposition relationship, that allows this object to be a part of the decomposition. An object can only be part of a single decomposition (to allow hierarchical structures only). (Inherited from IfcObject) | |
Returns the value of FillsVoids attribute. This attribute represents the reference to the IfcRelFillsElement Relationship that puts the element as a filling into the opening created within another element. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Returns the value of HasAssignments attribute. This attribute represents the reference to the relationship objects, that assign (by an association relationship) other subtypes of IfcObject to this object instance. Examples are the association to products, processes, controls, resources or groups. (Inherited from IfcObject) | |
Returns the value of HasAssociations attribute. This attribute represents the reference to the relationship objects, that associates external references or other resource definitions to the object. Examples are the association to library, documentation or classification. (Inherited from IfcObject) | |
(Inherited from IfcDistributionFlowElement) | |
Returns the value of HasCoverings attribute. This attribute represents the reference to IfcCovering by virtue of the objectified relationship IfcRelCoversBldgElement. It defines the concept of an element having coverings associated. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Returns the value of HasOpenings attribute. This attribute represents the reference to the IfcRelVoidsElement relationship that creates an opening in an element. An element can incorporate zero-to-many openings. For each opening, that voids the element, a new relationship IfcRelVoidsElement is generated. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Returns the value of HasPorts attribute. This attribute represents the reference to the interference relationship to indicate the element that is interfered. The relationship, if provided, indicates that this element has an interference with one or many other elements. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Returns the value of HasProjections attribute. This attribute represents the projection relationship that adds a feature (using a Boolean union) to the IfcBuildingElement. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Returns the value of IsConnectionRealization attribute. This attribute represents the reference to the connection relationship with realizing element. The relationship, if provided, assigns this element as the realizing element to the connection, which provides the physical manifestation of the connection relationship. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Returns the value of IsDecomposedBy attribute. This attribute represents the reference to the decomposition relationship, that allows this object to be the composition of other objects. An object can be decomposed by several other objects. (Inherited from IfcObject) | |
Returns the value of IsDefinedBy attribute. This attribute represents set of relationships to property set definitions attached to this object. Those statically or dynamically defined properties contain alphanumeric information content that further defines the object. (Inherited from IfcObject) | |
Returns the value of ProvidesBoundaries attribute. This attribute represents the reference to space boundaries by virtue of the objectified relationship IfcRelSpaceBoundary. It defines the concept of an element bounding spaces. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Retrieves relationships, by which other products, processes, controls, resources or actors (as subtypes of IfcObjectDefinition) can be related to this product. (Inherited from IfcProduct) | |
Retrieves the current value of an inverse attribute with a specified name. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Returns a name that is used by the participating software systems or users. (Inherited from IfcRoot) | |
Returns placement of the product in space. The placement can be:... more (Inherited from IfcProduct) | |
Returns the value of ObjectType attribute. This attribute represents the type denotes a particular type that indicates the object further. The use has to be established at the level of instantiable subtypes. In particular it holds the user defined type, if the enumeration of the attribute PredefinedType is set to USERDEFINED. (Inherited from IfcObject) | |
Returns the information about the current ownership of that object, including owning actor, application, local identification and information captured about the recent changes of the object. (Inherited from IfcRoot) | |
Returns the representations of the product. Representation can either be an IfcProductRepresentation entity or as a special case of shape representations - IfcProductDefinitionShape entity. The geometric representation of any IfcProduct is provided by the IfcProductDefinitionShape allowing multiple geometric representations. (Inherited from IfcProduct) | |
Returns the value of Tag attribute. This attribute represents the tag (or label) identifier at the particular instance of a product, e.g. the serial number, or the position number. It is the identifier at the occurrence level. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Retrieves the current Gs node object of the entity. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Retrieves the current Gs node object of the Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI) object. (Inherited from OdDAIObjectSDAI) | |
Retrieves the current Gs node object of the instance. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
Retrieves the database object identifier of the application instance. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Retrieves the database object identifier of the Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI) object. (Inherited from OdDAIObjectSDAI) | |
Reads values of the instance's explicit attribute fields from a file buffer that is associated with a specified filer object. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Reads object's data from the specified filer. (Inherited from IfcDistributionFlowElement) | |
Reads object's data from the specified filer. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Reads object's data from the specified filer. (Inherited from IfcObject) | |
Reads object's data from the specified filer. (Inherited from IfcProduct) | |
Reads object's data from the specified filer. (Inherited from IfcRoot) | |
Retrieves whether the instance is an instance of a specified type. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
This is the overview for the isInstanceOf method overload. | |
This is the overview for the isInstanceOf method overload. | |
Checks whether the specified instance is the object derived from or belongs to this class. (Inherited from IfcDistributionElement) | |
Checks whether the specified instance is the object derived from or belongs to this class. (Inherited from IfcDistributionFlowElement) | |
Checks whether the specified instance is the object derived from or belongs to this class. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Checks whether the specified instance is the object derived from or belongs to this class. | |
Checks whether the specified instance is the object derived from or belongs to this class. (Inherited from IfcObject) | |
Checks whether the specified instance is the object derived from or belongs to this class. (Inherited from IfcProduct) | |
Checks whether the specified instance is the object derived from or belongs to this class. (Inherited from IfcRoot) | |
Retrieves whether the instance belongs to a specified entity type. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
This is the overview for the isKindOf method overload. | |
This is the overview for the isKindOf method overload. | |
Retrieves whether the Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI) object is a persistent one. (Inherited from OdDAIObjectSDAI) | |
Writes values of the instance's explicit attribute fields to a file buffer that is assigned to a specified filer object. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Writes object's data the the specified filer. (Inherited from IfcDistributionFlowElement) | |
Writes object's data the the specified filer. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Writes object's data the the specified filer. (Inherited from IfcObject) | |
Writes object's data the the specified filer. (Inherited from IfcProduct) | |
Writes object's data the the specified filer. (Inherited from IfcRoot) | |
Retrieves the model that contains the application instance. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Retrieves the model object that contains the Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI) object. (Inherited from OdDAIObjectSDAI) | |
Retrieves the file that contains the model with this application instance. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Sets the specified attribute with a given value. (Inherited from IfcDistributionFlowElement) | |
This is the overview for the putAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the putAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the putAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the putAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the putAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the putAttr method overload. | |
Sets a new value of an attribute that is specified by its name in the case insensitive mode. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Sets a new value of an attribute specified with its name after the validation is performed. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Removes inverse attributes from related application instances. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Resolves the instance and returns the result of the instance composition to a calling subroutine. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
Retrieves whether the instance is resolved into a compound object, into a Ge compound object, or is unresolved/visited. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
Sets the object description. (Inherited from IfcRoot) | |
Assigns a globally unique identifier within the entire software world. (Inherited from IfcRoot) | |
Sets a new Gs node cache for the entity. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Sets a new Gs node cache for the Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI) object. (Inherited from OdDAIObjectSDAI) | |
Sets a new Gs node cache for the instance. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
Sets inverse attributes to related application instances. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Sets the name of the object. (Inherited from IfcRoot) | |
Sets placement of the product in space. (Inherited from IfcProduct) | |
Sets the value of ObjectType attribute. This attribute represents the type denotes a particular type that indicates the object further. The use has to be established at the level of instantiable subtypes. In particular it holds the user defined type, if the enumeration of the attribute PredefinedType is set to USERDEFINED. (Inherited from IfcObject) | |
Assigns the information about the current ownership of that object, including owning actor, application, local identification and information captured about the recent changes of the object. (Inherited from IfcRoot) | |
Specifies the representations of the product. The geometric representation of any IfcProduct is provided by the IfcProductDefinitionShape allowing multiple geometric representations. (Inherited from IfcProduct) | |
Sets the value of Tag attribute. This attribute represents the tag (or label) identifier at the particular instance of a product, e.g. the serial number, or the position number. It is the identifier at the occurrence level. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Sets the values of the entity's sub-entity traits. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Sets the values of the instance's sub-entity traits. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
Draws a graphical entity representation that is independent of any viewport context. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Draws a graphical instance representation that is independent of any viewport context. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
This is the overview for the testAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the testAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the testAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the testAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the testAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the testAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the testAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the testAttr method overload. | |
Retrieves whether the attribute value is set or is unset. The specified attribute name is case-insensitive. (Inherited from OdDAIObjectSDAI) | |
Returns the type of this entity. (Inherited from IfcDistributionElement) | |
Returns the type of this entity. (Inherited from IfcDistributionFlowElement) | |
Returns the type of this entity. (Inherited from IfcElement) | |
Returns the type of this entity. | |
Returns the type of this entity. (Inherited from IfcObject) | |
Returns the type of this entity. (Inherited from IfcProduct) | |
Returns the type of this entity. (Inherited from IfcRoot) | |
Retrieves the current type of the instance. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
Retrieves the type name of the application instance. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Unresolves the instance. (Inherited from OdIfcInstance) | |
This is the overview for the unsetAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the unsetAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the unsetAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the unsetAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the unsetAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the unsetAttr method overload. | |
This is the overview for the unsetAttr method overload. | |
Checks whether the value of a specified attribute is set. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Checks whether the instance has aggregate attributes, which violate size constraints and retrieves the list of such attributes. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Checks whether application instance aggregate attributes has unique items in the case if aggregation type of attribute UNIQUE flag is turned on. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Checks whether a specified array instances which don't assume optional attributes (i.e. attributes that can't have unset value) have attribute values. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Checks whether the instance has binary attributes with incorrect width and retrieves the list of such attributes. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Checks whether each entity instance that represents the value of a specified instance attribute has a valid entity data type. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Checks whether the instance has inverse attributes with violated size constraints and retrieves the list of such attributes. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Checks whether the instance has unset mandatory attributes and retrieves the list of such attributes. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
Checks whether the instance has string attributes with incorrect width and retrieves the list of such attributes. (Inherited from ApplicationInstance) | |
This is the overview for the validateWhereRule method overload. |
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