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ODA Facet Modeler
FMReadEx Sample Application


ODA Product: Facet Modeler
Sample Name: FMReadEx
Categories: C++ / Beginner / Read .adb files / iOS, macOS, Linux, Windows
Source Code Location: FacetModeler/examples/FMReadEx/


A sample console application that reads .adb files (created by FMCreate).

Run Sample Application

To run the FMReadEx sample application:

  1. Open the terminal and go to the directory where the sample binary file is built:
    • For Microsoft® Windows®: <KERNEL_DIR>\exe\<version>\
    • For a non-Windows OS: <KERNEL_DIR>/bin/<version>/
    <KERNEL_DIR> is a directory where you unpacked the Kernel archive.
    To determine your <version> parameter, please see the appropriate section in the Download Kernel SDK topic.
  2. Run the sample with appropriate arguments:
    FMReadEx <file_name> <type_name>

If the application executes properly, information displays about the object from the .adb file on your screen. If you get the 'Unknown error' message after executing the program, check that the type of object in the file matches the <type_name> parameter. To determine the object type, see the table in the FMCreate Sample Application topic.

file_name Full path to the input .adb file that should be read.
type_name Name of the object type that is written in the input file. Possible names:
  • body
  • contour2d
  • profile2d
  • point2d
  • point3d

Usage example is provided in the topic about running your first application.

See Also

Use Facet Modeler Sample Applications
FMCreate Sample Application
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