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ODA Facet Modeler
FMCreate Sample Application


ODA Product: Facet Modeler
Sample Name: FMCreate
Categories: C++ / Beginner / Create .adb files / iOS, macOS, Linux, Windows
Source Code Location: FacetModeler/examples/FMCreate/


A sample console application that creates objects called bodies and profiles and then saves them in ADB format.

Run Sample Application

To run the FMCreate sample application:

  1. Open the terminal and go to the directory where the sample binary file is built:
    • For Microsoft® Windows®: <KERNEL_DIR>\exe\<version>\
    • For a non-Windows OS: <KERNEL_DIR>/bin/<version>/
    <KERNEL_DIR> is a directory where you unpacked the Kernel archive.
    To determine your <version> parameter, please see the appropriate section in the Download Kernel SDK topic.
  2. Run the sample with appropriate arguments:
    FMCreate <example_name> <file_name>
To check whether the application executed correctly, check the <file_name> directory to see if the file was created. Then use the FMReadEx sample application to read data from it.

example_name Name of the object you want to create. Possible names:
  • Cube - a single body
  • Cuboid - a single body
  • Tetrahedron - a single body
  • Pyramid - a single body
  • Cone - a single body
  • Prism - a single body
  • Cylinder - a single body
  • Sphere - a single body
  • Snowman - a single body
  • Dice - a single body
  • Gear - a single body
  • Wrench - a single body
  • Logo - a single body
  • MeshTetra - a single body
  • MeshCube - a single body
  • SemiSphere - a single body
  • SpherePart - a single body
  • SliceBody - a single profile
  • IsectBody - a points array
  • VolumeBody - a double value
  • SetTags - iterates all bodies and sets tags
  • Square - a single profile
  • Circle - a single profile
  • Polygon - a single profile
  • NutProfile - a single profile
file_name Full path to the output .adb file that is created if it doesn't exist.

In the picture below you can see illustrations for some entities:

See Also

Use Facet Modeler Sample Applications
FMReadEx Sample Application
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