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ODA Drawings SDK
Overview of the XML Scheme

To work with revision control, you must write an .xml file for every class which contains the description of the read/write process of the object data (similar to the dwgIn()/dwgOut() methods). If the class is not described, you cannot merge its changes and cannot properly compress subsequent revisions of the object in the database.

First, the TD_Tf module must be loaded before scheme registration. After, use ::odTfInitialize(pHostApp); to initialize the module functionality. The scheme file must be placed within the folder that contains other binary files. For example, to register the scheme:

OdString schemeName = L"MyScheme.txds"; //xml scheme


OdString schemeName = L"MyScheme.tsbf"; //binary scheme

To convert an xml scheme to binary format, use:


Binary scheme is saved in the same folder and under the same name as the original.

To work with the XML scheme, use these tags:

  • <oda:condition name="name" oda:conditionValue="condition"> — The same as "if" in programming.
  • <oda:array name="name" [oda:breakValue="value"]> — The same as "for/while" in programming.
  • <oda:mark name="name " oda:setCondition="value "> — Writes/rewrites (only for a bool value) a new value to the cache with a key that wasn't written/read by dwgIn()/dwgOut().

The next attributes are used:

  • oda:isCondition="" — Used in the <xs:element> tag.
  • oda:isArrayLength="" — Used in the <xs:element> tag.
  • oda:isBreak="" — Used in the <xs:element> tag.
  • oda:breakValue="value" — Used in the <oda:array> tag.
  • oda:conditionValue="condition" — Used in the <oda:condition> tag.
  • oda:countBytes="name | value" — Used in the <xs:element> tag.
  • oda:isSum="" — Used in the <xs:element>, <oda:array> tags.
  • oda:isTableCache="" — Used in the <xs:element> tag.
  • oda:isTableQueue="" — Used in the <xs:element> tag.
  • oda:isTableName="" — Used in the <xs:element> tag.
  • oda:isMarkCondition="" — Used in the <oda:condition> tag.
  • oda:isOwner="value" — Used in the <oda:condition> tag.
  • oda:reduceIn="value" — Used in the <xs:element> tag with the xs:hexBinary element type.
  • oda:increaseIn="value" — Used in the <xs:element> tag with the xs:hexBinary element type.
  • oda:addInVersion="value" — Used in the <xs:element>, <oda:array>, <oda:condition> tags.
  • oda:deletedInVersion="value" — Used in the <xs:element>, <oda:array>, <oda:condition> tags.
  • oda:default="value" — Used in the <xs:element> tag.
  • oda:decreaseOn="value" — Used in the <oda:array> tag.
  • oda:increaseOn="value" — Used in the <oda:array> tag.

The following are the types of elements (<xs:element name="..." type="___ "/>):

  • Subclass — Name of other <complexType>
  • Bool — xs:boolean
  • Byte — xs:byte
  • Short — xs:short
  • Int — xs:int
  • UnsignedByte — xs:unsignedByte
  • UnsignedShort — xs:unsignedShort
  • UnsignedInt — xs:unsignedInt
  • Long — xs:long
  • Double — xs:double
  • HexBinary — xs:hexBinary
  • String — xs:string
  • Handle — OdDbHandle
  • SoftOwnershipId — OdDbSoftOwnershipId
  • HardOwnershipId — OdDbHardOwnershipId
  • SoftPointerId — OdDbSoftPointerId
  • HardPointerId — OdDbHardPointerId
  • Point2d — OdGePoint2d
  • Point3d — OdGePoint3d
  • Vector2d — OdGeVector2d
  • Vector3d — OdGeVector3d
  • Scale3d — OdGeScale3d
  • Table — OdTable (unique use)
  • Empty — OdEmpty (unique use)

Note: Values of elements that are marked with attributes "oda:isArrayLength" or "oda:isCondition" are stored in the cache with a key (a key is a string that is taken from the attribute "name" in the tag).

Note: All names for the <xs:element> tag must be unique.

See Also

Working with the XML Scheme for Revision Control

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