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ODA Drawings SDK
Working with the Cache

Cache is used for storing an integer values with keys. Cache stores the <xs:element>-s which have oda:isArrayLength or oda:isCondition attributes. Also here you can add a values of the objects that are not read/written. For this purpose an <oda:mark> tag is used.

The following example demonstrates adding the cached1, cached2, and cached3 values to the cache. For cached3, the value that is defined by the oda:setCondition attribute is stored instead of its value (see Working with the oda:mark Tag). The value of a not_cached element is not added to the cache:

<xs:element name="cached1" type="xs:int" oda:isArrayLength="" />
<xs:element name="cached2" type="xs:int" oda:isCondition=""/>
<oda:mark name="cached3" oda:setCondition="true ">
<xs:element name="not_cached" type="xs:int"/>

The names of the tags are used as keys. To write a cycle with the number of records that must match the value stored in cache1, you can use its name:

<oda:array name="cached1">
  <xs:element name="m_var_array" type="xs:byte"/>

See Also

Working with the XML Scheme for Revision Control

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