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ODA Drawings SDK
Example of Working with a Raster Image

A sample command for working with raster images is located in the Drawing\Examples\DevGuideCommands subdirectory of the ODA installation folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Open Design Alliance).

The sample command demonstrates working with raster images by creating and editing a raster image entity and then printing the following information about the created entity:

  • Source file name
  • Load status
  • Image size in pixels
  • Status of the kShow flag
  • Brightness value
  • Contrast value
  • Fade value
  • Origin point
  • U-vector
  • V-vector
  • Array of picture corners
  • isClipped flag
  • Clip boundary type
  • Clip boundary points
  • Clip inversion status

See Also

Working with Raster Images

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