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ODA Drawings SDK
Working with Raster Images

A raster image is an image that is represented as a grid of pixels (colored dots). In the Drawings SDK, raster images are represented by the OdDbRasterImage and OdDbRasterImageDef classes, which are used to insert a picture from an external raster file. The OdDbRasterImage class stores image properties, such as position, brightness, and clipping boundary, and they are stored in model or paper space. The OdDbRasterImageDef class represents a raster image definition object, which is stored within the special dictionary named ACAD_IMAGE_DICT. Each OdDbRasterImage entity must have a reference to an OdDbRasterImageDef object.

For more details, see the following topics:

Overview of Raster Images

Creating Raster Images

Specific Raster Image Properties

Example of Working with a Raster Image

OdDbRasterImage and OdDbRasterImageDef Classes in API Reference.

A sample command for working with raster images is located in the Drawing\Examples\DevGuideCommands subdirectory of the ODA installation folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Open Design Alliance).

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