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ODA Drawings SDK
Marking the Center of Dimensions

Radial and diametric dimension entities have the ability to mark their centers using two types of indicators: center mark or centerline.


The Dimcen value indicates the type and the size of the center indicator.

An absolute value defines the size, and depending on the sign of the value, the center can be indicated by a center mark or centerline. Negative non-zero double values determine the size of a centerline; positive values determine the size of a center mark. A zero value is used for a zero mark.

To get the size of a centerline or center mark, use the dimcen() method, which returns the size as a double value.

For example:

odPrintConsoleString(L"\nDimcen is %f", pDimension->dimcen());

To set a new Dimcen value, use the setDimcen() method, which requires one double parameter to specify the size of the centerline or center mark.

For example:


See Also

Working with Dimensions

Working with Common Dimension Entity

Working with General Dimension Methods

Positioning Dimension Text

Formatting Dimension Text

Working with Dimension Lines

Working with Extension Lines

Working with Dimension Fit and Movement

Working with Dimension Tolerances

Working with Dimension Values

Working with Primary Unit Measurements

Working with Alternate Unit Measurements

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