API Reference > OdExport Classes > TD_HOOPS_COMMON_EXPORT Namespace > Classes > OdHoopsExportDevice Class
OdHoopsExportDevice Class
class OdHoopsExportDevice : public OdGsBaseVectorizeDevice, public OdGiGeometrySimplifier;


This class implements the hoops export device. A class instance gets 3D data from the ODA visualization framework.

Destroys an instance of the hoops export device. 
Creates a new instance of a hoops export device. 
!<< A flag determining whether the camera should be initialized. 
!<< A flag determining whether the camera is set. 
This is the overview for the circleProc method overload. 
This is the overview for the circularArcProc method overload. 
Creates a new layout segment in a hoops file with a specified name and makes it active.
Creates a new invisible layout segment in a hoops file with a specified name.
Creates an instance of a hoops export device and returns a typified smart pointer to it. 
Creates an instance of the desired OdGsView subclass.
Adds a circle arc to hoops geometry.  
Closes the previously opened segment in a hoops file. 
Adds an elliptical arc to hoops geometry.  
Adds a raster image to hoops geometry.
Initializes the hoops export device. 
Adds a mesh to hoops geometry.
Adds a NURB curve to hoops geometry.  
This is the overview for the dc_open_segment method overload. 
Adds a polygon to hoops geometry.
Adds a polyline to hoops geometry.  
Adds a ray to hoops geometry.  
Adds a shell to hoops geometry.
Adds text to hoops geometry.
Adds an infinite line to hoops geometry.  
Enables or disables recording mode for the device.
Returns the current special device context. 
Returns the current flag value that determines whether rays are exported to hoops.
Returns the current flag value that determines whether infinite lines are exported to hoops.
Implements a reaction to changing any attributes of hoops graphics elements, such as color, linetypes, layer and so on.
Sets a new rendering device for the export device.
Sets a new special hoops export device context.
Sets a flag value that determines whether rays are exported to hoops.
Sets a new rendering device for the export device.
Sets a flag value that determines whether infinite lines are exported to hoops.
Updates the specified rectangle.
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