Generic variant type. Can contain any C++ type. Contained type is described by OdRxValueType.
Name |
Description |
Destroys objects of the OdRxValue class. | |
This is the overview for the OdRxValue constructor overload. |
Name |
Description |
Returns canonical empty value. | |
Gets the corresponding descriptor, if this value contains an enumeration item. | |
Checks if the value is empty. | |
Checks whether the value is undefined. This is represented by assigning a special singleton value "varies". | |
each OdRxValue instance is 32 bytes long (on both 32 and 64 bit) | |
This is the overview for the ODRX_DECLARE_VALUE_TYPE method overload. | |
This is the overview for the OdRxValue::OdRxValue method overload. | |
Constant correct safe cast for enumerations. Returns non-null only if ValueType is contained in this value. | |
This is the overview for the rxvalue_cast method overload. | |
Reads the value from the byte array. | |
Stores the value in the byte array. | |
Converts the value to a string. | |
Gets the metaclass describing the C++ type of the stored value. | |
Retreives an ANSI string in format of path that elaborates the sense of value of the value type. Can be interpreted additionally when working with RxValue. | |
Unwraps RxValue contained in OdRxBoxedValue. | |
Returns singleton, representing undefined value. |
Name |
Description |
Smart pointer to objects of the OdRxBoxedValue class. |
Name |
Description |
Negative comparison operator. | |
Assignment operator. Assigns a value from a C++ variable to this value. | |
This is the overview for the = operator overload. | |
Comparison operator. | |
Outputs this value to a C++ variable. Unlike rxvalue_cast<>, it takes into account type propagations supported by type().toValueType or OdRxValueType::Desc::value().fromValueType. |
Name |
Description |
OdRxValueType specialization for 'const char*' value type. | |
| |
OdRxValueType specialization for 'OdRxClass*' value type. |
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