API Reference > OdRx Classes > OdRxMemberQueryEngine Class
OdRxMemberQueryEngine Class
class OdRxMemberQueryEngine;


This class provides ability to enumerate and find members associated with the given object, add new property providers (OdRxFacetProvider) and reactors.

Registers a new facet provider (to provide extension classes with additional members).
Registers a new reactor.
Gets a reference to the default query context. Query context handles collecting members in a list. 
Finds a member by name, uses defaultContext() if no context is passed.
Enumerates all the properties of the object, uses defaultContext() if no context is passed.
Reference to the default promoting query context. Handles collecting members in a list, but unlike the default, this one includes children (sub-properties) in the list, instead of parents. For example OdDbLine property "EndPoint" would be replaced by "EndPoint/X", "EndPoint/Y", "EndPoint/Z" if queried using this context. 
Unregisters an extension provider.
Unregisters a reactor.
This singleton object is the main access point to the member engine services. 
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