API Reference > Namespaces > OdPdfPublish Namespace > Structs, Records, Enums > OdPdfPublish::PdfPublishResult Enumeration
OdPdfPublish::PdfPublishResult Enumeration
enum PdfPublishResult { eOk = 0, eInternalError = 1, eEmptyInputArray = 2, eNotSortedArray = 3, eDuplicatedElement = 4, eNullDocument = 5, eKeyNotFound = 6, eNullBaseName = 7, eNotImplementedYet = 8, exOdError = 0x00020000 };


eOk = 0 
Operation successfully finished. 
eInternalError = 1 
An internal error occurred during the operation. 
eEmptyInputArray = 2 
The input array is empty. 
eNotSortedArray = 3 
The input array is not sorted. 
eDuplicatedElement = 4 
A duplication of elements was found. 
eNullDocument = 5 
Tried to process the operation with a null smart pointer to the Publish SDK document. 
eKeyNotFound = 6 
The specified key value is not found. 
eNullBaseName = 7 
The name of the base object is null. 
eNotImplementedYet = 8 
The feature currently is not implemented. 
exOdError = 0x00020000 
ODA base class error occured during the operation. 

Contains declarations representing the result of the publishing operations. Values declared within this enumeration are returned by exportPdf methods of the OdFile class.

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