This class represents vectors in 2D space.
OdGeVector2d may be viewed as an array[2] of doubles.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Ge
Name |
Description |
This is the overview for the OdGeVector2d constructor overload. |
Name |
Description |
Returns the angle between this vector and the X-axis | |
Returns the angle between this vector and the specified vector. | |
Returns the angle from this vector to the specified vector in the counterclockwise direction. | |
Returns this vector as a point. | |
Returns the z value of the cross product of this vector with the specified vector. | |
Returns the dot product of this vector and the specified vector. | |
This is the overview for the isCodirectionalTo method overload. | |
Returns true if and only if vector is identical to this vector, within the specified tolerance. | |
This is the overview for the isParallelTo method overload. | |
This is the overview for the isPerpendicularTo method overload. | |
Returns true if and only if the length of this vector is 1.0 within the specified tolerance. | |
Returns true if and only if the length of this vector is 0.0 within the specified tolerance. | |
| |
Returns the length of this vector. | |
Returns the square of the length of this vector. | |
Mirrors this vector about the specified 2D line and returns a reference to this vector. | |
Negates this vector (-x, -y), and returns a reference to this vector. | |
Returns the unit vector codirectional with this vector. | |
This is the overview for the normalize method overload. | |
Sets this vector to the unit vector codirectional with this vector, and returns the length prior to normalization. | |
Returns the vector perpendicular to this one (-y, x). | |
Rotates this vector the specified angle, and returns a reference to this vector. | |
Sets this vector to the specified X and Y coordinates, and returns a reference to this vector. | |
This is the overview for the setToProduct method overload. | |
Sets this vector to vector1 + vector1, and returns a reference to this vector. | |
Applies the 2D transformation matrix to this vector, and returns a reference to this vector. |
Name |
Description |
Returns a vector with inverted X and Y coordinates. | |
Inequality operator for the OdGeVector2d class. | |
Multiplication operator for the OdGeVector2d class. | |
This is the overview for the [] operator overload. | |
Equality operator for the OdGeVector2d class. | |
Returns the equivalent 2D tranformation matrix. |
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