API Reference > OdGe Classes > OdGeVector2d Class
OdGeVector2d Class
class OdGeVector2d;


This class represents vectors in 2D space.

OdGeVector2d may be viewed as an array[2] of doubles. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Ge 


This is the overview for the OdGeVector2d constructor overload. 
Additive identity vector. 
X-Axis vector. 
Y-Axis vector. 
Returns the angle between this vector and the X-axis 
Returns the angle between this vector and the specified vector.
Returns the angle from this vector to the specified vector in the counterclockwise direction.
Returns this vector as a point. 
Returns the z value of the cross product of this vector with the specified vector.
Returns the dot product of this vector and the specified vector.
This is the overview for the isCodirectionalTo method overload. 
Returns true if and only if vector is identical to this vector, within the specified tolerance.
This is the overview for the isParallelTo method overload. 
This is the overview for the isPerpendicularTo method overload. 
Returns true if and only if the length of this vector is 1.0 within the specified tolerance.
Returns true if and only if the length of this vector is 0.0 within the specified tolerance.
Returns the length of this vector. 
Returns the square of the length of this vector. 
Mirrors this vector about the specified 2D line and returns a reference to this vector.
Negates this vector (-x, -y), and returns a reference to this vector. 
Returns the unit vector codirectional with this vector.
This is the overview for the normalize method overload. 
Sets this vector to the unit vector codirectional with this vector, and returns the length prior to normalization.
Returns the vector perpendicular to this one (-y, x). 
Rotates this vector the specified angle, and returns a reference to this vector.
Sets this vector to the specified X and Y coordinates, and returns a reference to this vector.
This is the overview for the setToProduct method overload. 
Sets this vector to vector1 + vector1, and returns a reference to this vector.
Applies the 2D transformation matrix to this vector, and returns a reference to this vector.
Returns a vector with inverted X and Y coordinates. 
Inequality operator for the OdGeVector2d class.
Multiplication operator for the OdGeVector2d class.
This is the overview for the [] operator overload. 
Equality operator for the OdGeVector2d class.
Returns the equivalent 2D tranformation matrix. 
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