API Reference > OdGe Classes > OdGeShell Class > OdGeShell Data Members > OdGeShell::faces Data Member
OdGeShell::faces Data Member

An array of integer number that defines a list of shell faces. In a face list a particular face is defined be a set of number. The first number contains the number of vertices of the face and its sign indicates if the face is a hole or a regular face: if the face is a hole then its vertices number must be negative. A hole face must be coplanar and entirely in another face (not touching edges). For example, the face array {3,0,2,4,-3,1,0,5} represents two faces. The first is a regular face that consists of three vertices: vertex 0, vertex 2, and vertex 4. The second is the hole face having three vertices: vertex 1, vertex 0, and vertex 5.

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