API Reference > OdGe Classes > OdGeScale2d Class
OdGeScale2d Class
class OdGeScale2d;


This class represents scaling transformations (scale vectors) in 2D space.

OdGeScale2d may be viewed as an array[2] of doubles. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Ge 


This is the overview for the OdGeScale2d constructor overload. 
Multplicitive identity vector. 
X scale *factor*. 
Y scale *factor*. 
Returns the scale vector corresponding to the lengths of the column vectors of the transformation matrix.
Returns the transformation matrix equivalent to this scale vector.
Returns the inverse of this scale vector. 
Sets this scale vector to its inverse, and returns a reference to this scale vector. 
Returns true if and only if scaleVec is identical to this one, within the specified tolerance.
Returns true if and only if the scaling matrix corresponding to this scale vector isUniScaledOrtho().
Sets this scale vector to the product (this scale vector) * (rightSide), and returns a reference to this scale vector.
Sets this scale vector to the product leftSide * (this scale vector), and returns a reference to this scale vector.
Returns the scale vector corresponding to the lengths of the column vectors of the transformation matrix, and sets the scale factor of the matrix to 1 .
Sets this scale vector to the specified X and Y factors, and returns a reference to this vector.
This is the overview for the setToProduct method overload. 
Inequality operator for the OdGeScale2d object. Returns true if this scale vector is not equal to the input scale vector.
This is the overview for the * operator overload. 
This is the overview for the *= operator overload. 
This is the overview for the [] operator overload. 
Equality operator for the OdGeScale2d object. Returns true if this scale vector is equal to the input scale vector.
Returns the equivalent 2D transformation matrix. 
Returns the equivalent 3D scale vector [sx sy 1]. 
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