API Reference > OdGe Classes > OdGeNurbCurve2d Class
OdGeNurbCurve2d Class
class OdGeNurbCurve2d : public OdGeSplineEnt2d;


This class represents non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) in 2D space. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Ge 


This is the overview for the OdGeNurbCurve2d constructor overload. 
Adds a control point at the specified knot.
Inserts the fit point at the specified index.
Adds a new knot to the spline knot array.
This is the overview for the convertFrom method overload. 
Deletes a control point at the specified index.
Removes a fit point with the specified index.
Increases the spline degree by the specified value and returns a reference to this spline object.
Returns the current evaluation mode. 
Retrieves all the data that define the spline.
This is the overview for the getFitData method overload. 
Gets the knot parametrization of the spline created with fit points.
Retrieves the fit point at the specified index.
Retrieves the starting and ending tangents if this spline was constructed with fit data.
Retrieves the fit tolerance that is used to construct this spline if this spline was constructed with fit points.
Gets the parameters of C1 discontinuity.
Gets the parameters of G1 discontinuity.
Trims the OdGeNurbCurve2d by the new start and end parameters.
Inserts a new knot to the spline knot array.
Retrieves the intersection points as well as the parameters of this spline said points.
Joins the specified OdGeNurbCurve2d with this spline and returns a reference to the recomputed spline.
Makes the opened spline closed and returns a reference to this spline. 
Makes a periodic spline non-periodic. 
Makes a closed spline open. 
Makes this spline periodic (if it is not). 
Makes this spline rational (if it is not).
Returns the number of fit points. 
Returns the number of weights in the spline. 
Purges the fit data defining this spline. 
Sets the parameters for this spline according to the arguments.
Sets the evaluation mode.
This is the overview for the setFitData method overload. 
Sets the specified knot parameterization if the spline is created by fit points.
Sets the fit point at the specified index.
Sets the fit tangents for this spline.
Sets the fit tolerance that is used for interpolating fit points.
Sets the weight at the specified index.
Returns the weight at the specified index.
Assignment operator for the OdGeNurbCurve2d object.
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