API Reference > OdGe Classes > OdGeKnotVector Class
OdGeKnotVector Class
class OdGeKnotVector;


This class represents an ordered series of monotonically increasing doubles used by spline entities. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Ge 


Destructor for the OdGeKnotVector class. 
This is the overview for the OdGeKnotVector constructor overload. 
Default knot tolerance. 
Default knot tolerance for 2d knots. 
This is the overview for the append method overload. 
This is the overview for the asArrayPtr method overload. 
Checks whether this knot vector contains the specified parameter.
Returns the last knot value of this vector. 
This is the overview for the getArray method overload. 
Returns the number of distinct knots.
Returns the knot interval, and the index of the knot interval, containing the point specified by param.
Returns this vector as an array of doubles. 
Returns the length by which the array is set to grow automatically. 
Inserts a knot in the appropriate knot interval as specified by param, and returns a reference to this vector.
Inserts the specified knot the specified number of times at the specified index, and returns a reference to this vector.
Returns true if and only if length() == 0. 
Returns true if and only if knotVector is identical to this one.
Checks whether the specified knot is a member of this vector within the knot equality tolerance.
Returns the length of this vector. 
Returns the logical length of this vector. 
This is the overview for the multiplicityAt method overload. 
Returns the number of intervals between distinct knots. 
Returns the physical length of this vector. 
Removes the specified knot from this vector, and returns a reference to this vector.
Removes the specified range of knots from this vector, and returns a reference to this vector.
Reverses the order of this vector, and returns a reference to this vector. 
Sets the parameters for this vector according to the arguments, and returns a reference to this vector.
Set the length by which the array will grow automatically.
Sets the logical length of this vector, and returns a reference to this vector.
Sets the physical length of this vector, and returns a reference to this vector.
Transforms this vector such that the first knot has a value of lower, and the last knot has a value of upper, and returns a reference to this vector.
Sets the knot equality tolerance for this vector, and returns a reference to this vector.
Splits this vector at the point corresponding to param.
Returns the first knot value of this vector. 
Returns the knot equality tolerance. 
This is the overview for the [] operator overload. 
This is the overview for the = operator overload. 
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