API Reference > OdGe Classes > OdGeExtents3d Class
OdGeExtents3d Class
class OdGeExtents3d;


This class represents 3D bounding boxes as minimum and maximum 3d points. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Ge 


This is the overview for the OdGeExtents3d constructor overload. 
The invalid extents. 
Types of 2D planes. 
Types of intersection results. 
Updates the extents of this OdGeExtents3d object with the specified array of points.
Updates the extents of this OdGeExtents3d object with the specified point.
Updates the extents of this OdGeExtents3d object with the specified point.
Returns a center point of this OdGeExtents3d object. 
Sets the minimum and maximum points for this OdGeExtents3d object to that of the box defined by pt1 and pt2.
This is the overview for the contains method overload. 
Converts this OdGeExtents3d object to a OdGeExtents2d object.
Returns the vector from minimum to maximum point. 
This is the overview for the distanceTo method overload. 
Updates the extents of this OdGeExtents3d object by the specified vector.
Determines the intersection of the specified OdGeExtents3d object with this one, and returns the resulting intersection box.
Checks whether the specified extents do not intersect these extents.
Checks whether the specified extents do not intersect these extents.
Checks if this OdGeExtents3d object is equal to the passed extents.
Checks whether this OdGeExtents3d object contains valid extents. 
Checks whether the box intersects the sphere with specified center and radius.
Returns the maximum point of this OdGeExtents3d object. 
Returns the minimum point of this OdGeExtents3d object. 
Sets the minimum and maximum points for this OdGeExtents3d object.
Sets minimum and maximum points for this OdGeExtents3d object from a passed OdGeExtents2d object.
Applies the 3D transformation matrix to the extents.
Comparison operator for the OdGeExtents3d object.
This is the overview for the [] operator overload. 
Comparison operator for the OdGeExtents3d object.
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