API Reference > OdGe Classes > OdGeCurveCurveInt2d Class
OdGeCurveCurveInt2d Class
class OdGeCurveCurveInt2d : public OdGeEntity2d;


This class represents intersections of 2D curves.

The intersection object links to 2D curve objects but does not contain them. Calculation of the intersection is performed by a query function. 

If one of the curve objects is deleted, the intersection must be recalculated. 

Corresponding C++ library: TD_Ge 


This is the overview for the OdGeCurveCurveInt2d constructor overload. 
Makes the first curve the second, and vice versa. 
Returns the first curve. 
Returns the second curve. 
Calculates the configuration of the first curve with respect to the second at the intersection point, and vice versa.
Retrieves the curve parameters at the specified intersection point.
Retrieves the ranges of the two curves.
Returns the ranges for each curve a the specified overlap.
Retrieves the specified intersection point as an OdGePointOnCurve2d on the first curve.
Retrieves the specified intersection point as an OdGePointOnCurve2d on the second curve.
Returns an intersection point by its index.
Returns the tolerance used to compute the specified intersection point.
Checks if the curves are tangential at the specified intersection point.
Checks if the curves are transversal (cross) at the specified intersection point.
Returns the number of intersections between the curves within the specified ranges. 
Orders the intersection points so that they correspond to increasing parameter values of the first curve. 
Orders the intersection points so that they correspond to increasing parameter values of the second curve. 
Returns the number of intervals of overlap for the two curves. 
Checks if the curves are oriented in the same direction where they overlap. 
This is the overview for the set method overload. 
Returns the tolerance for determining intersections. 
Assignment operator for the OdGeCurveCurveInt2d object.
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