This class is the base class for all OdGe 3D curves.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Ge
Name |
Description |
This is the overview for the appendSamplePoints method overload. | |
Determines the area of this curve between the specified parameters. | |
This is the overview for the boundBlock method overload. | |
This is the overview for the closestPointTo method overload. | |
Returns a pointer to the 2D variant of the curve (z-coordinate will be ignored). | |
This is the overview for the distanceTo method overload. | |
This is the overview for the evalPoint method overload. | |
Explodes this curve over the specified interval. | |
This is the overview for the getClosestPointTo method overload. | |
Returns the bounding box of the whole curve or a part of it. The box is axis-aligned in the specified local coordinate system. It is guaranteed to enclose the curve, but not guaranteed to be tight/minimal. | |
This is the overview for the getInterval method overload. | |
This is the overview for the getLocalClosestPoints method overload. | |
Returns true, and the point on this curve whose normal vector passes through the specified point, if and only if a normal point was found. | |
This is the overview for the getProjClosestPointTo method overload. | |
This is the overview for the getSamplePoints method overload. | |
Returns pointers to the two curves that result from splitting this curve at the point corresponding to param. | |
Retrieves one or more trimmed offset curves. | |
Returns true, and the end point, if and only if the parametric interval of this curve has an upper bound. | |
Checks the boundaries of the curve interval and calculates a point from the curve interval that corresponds to the specified coefficient. | |
Returns true, and the start point, if and only if the parametric interval of this curve has a lower bound. | |
Returns true if and only if this curve is closed within the specified tolerance. | |
Returns true if the specified curve entity is coplanar with this curve and returns the common plane. | |
This is the overview for the isDegenerate method overload. | |
Returns true, and a linear entity coincident with this curve, if and only if this curve is linear. | |
This is the overview for the isOn method overload. | |
Returns true if and only if this curve is periodic for the specified period. | |
Returns true if and only if this curve is planar, and returns the plane of this curve. | |
This is the overview for the length method overload. | |
Calculates a point from the curve interval that corresponds to the specified coefficient. | |
This is the overview for the orthoBoundBlock method overload. | |
Returns the entity that is the orthogonal projection of the curve onto the projection plane. | |
Returns the parameter of the point at a specified distance from the starting point corresponding to datumParam. | |
This is the overview for the paramOf method overload. | |
This is the overview for the projClosestPointTo method overload. | |
Returns the entity that is the projection of the curve onto the projection plane in the specified direction. | |
Reverses the parameter direction this curve. | |
This is the overview for the setInterval method overload. |
Name |
Description |
The assignment operator for objects the OdGeCurve3d class. |
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