API Reference > Other Classes > OdCharMapper Class
OdCharMapper Class
class OdCharMapper;


This class implements character mapping. Corresponding C++ library: TD_Root

Returns the ANSI code page corresponding to the specified code page.
Receives the bigFont list to map from the specified stream.
Adds a bigFont to a map with the specified code page ID.
Adds a bigFont to a map with the specified code page index.
Returns the code page corresponding to the specified ANSI code page.
Gets the code page with the specified description.
Gets the description for the specified code page.
Maps the specified code page character to Unicode.
Checking special sequences and replacing them with character codes. Look for following sequences: "%%", "\U+", "\u+", "\M+", "\m+".
This is the overview for the convertAlphaNumJapanese method overload. 
Gets a converted Unicode string from the specified CIF coding string.
Conversion source string with flags underlined, overlined and striked to string with special sequence %%u, %%o and %%k
Gets the check sum for an ANSI string.
Gets the check sum for a Unicode string.
Returns the code page corresponding to the specified ANSI character set.
Gets the code page from a big font file name.
Gets the code page index from a bigFont file name.
Gets the charset corresponding to the specified character.
Initializes this CharMapper object from the specified mapping file.
Checks whether the specified code page supports conversion.
Checks whether the specified byte is one of the leading bytes of the specified code page.
Maps the specified code page characters to Unicode.  
Returns the number of valid code pages for this CharMapper object.
Maps the specified Unicode character to the specified code page.
Maps the specified Unicode character to the specified code page using the IMLangFontLink2 interface.
Maps the Unicode characters to UTF-8.
This is actually CESU-8 encoding used in DXF (http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr26/)
  • details Maps the UTF-8 characters to Unicode.

Maps the Unicode characters to the specified code page.
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