API Reference > OdRx Classes > OdRxPropertyVariant Class > OdRxPropertyVariant Constructor
OdRxPropertyVariant Constructor

This is the overview for the OdRxPropertyVariant constructor overload.

Default constructor for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class. 
Copy constructor from a boolean value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from a double value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdAnsiString value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdCmEntityColor value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdCmEntityColor::ColorMethod value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdCmTransparency value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdDb::LineWeight value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdDb::UnitsValue value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGe::OdGeKnotParameterization value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGeExtents2d value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGeExtents3d value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGeMatrix2d value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGeMatrix3d value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGePoint2d value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGePoint3d value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGeQuaternion value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGeScale3d value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGeVector2d value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGeVector3d value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiColorRGB value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiDgLinetypeModifiers::CornersMode value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiDgLinetypeModifiers::ShiftMode value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiDgLinetypeModifiers::WidthMode value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiDrawable::DrawableType value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiEdgeStyle::EdgeModel value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiFaceStyle::FaceColorMode value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiFilterType value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiLightAttenuation value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiLightAttenuation::AttenuationType value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiLightingMode value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiMaterialColor value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiMaterialTraits::ChannelFlags value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiMaterialTraits::FinalGatherMode value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiMaterialTraits::GlobalIlluminationMode value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiMaterialTraits::IlluminationModel value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiMaterialTraits::LuminanceMode value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiMaterialTraits::Mode value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiMrDiagnosticBSPMode value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiMrDiagnosticMode value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiMrDiagnosticPhotonMode value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiMrExportMIMode value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiMrExposureType value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiMrFinalGatheringMode value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiMrShadowMode value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiMrTileOrder value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiShadowParameters value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiShadowParameters::ExtendedLightShape value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiShadowParameters::ShadowType value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiSkyParameters value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiToneOperatorParameters::ExteriorDaylightMode value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiViewportTraits::DefaultLightingType value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiVisualStyle::Type value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiVisualStyleProperties::EdgeModel value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdGiVisualStyleProperties::FaceColorMode value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdInt16 value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdInt32 value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdInt64 value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdInt8 value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdString value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdTimeStamp value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdUInt16 value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdUInt32 value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdUInt64 value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
Copy constructor from an OdUInt8 value for instances of the OdRxPropertyVariant class.
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