API Reference > Functions

The following table lists functions in this documentation.

details Returns the product of matrix * vect.
Adds an OdBaseDatabaseByResolver object.
Obtais a pointer to the OdDbBaseDatabase object based on the universal object ID.
This external function deletes a class description instance.
Proceeds the export from a hoops file to a drawing database (.dwg or .dxf file).
Returns export to hoops error code description.
Returns the normal to the plane defined by the specified points.
Returns the normal to the plane defined by the specified points.
Returns the plane defined by the specified points.
Returns the plane defined by the specified points.
Determine is direction of 3d curve is the same as direction of curve on surface that can be gotten via 2d parametric curve.
Converts a 3D NURBS curve to a 2D NURBS curve by projecting it onto the specified plane.
Calculates signed volume of a triangulated solid.
Calculates a properties for a specified surface.
Returns the decimal value of a hexadecimal digit.
For internal use only. 
was moved from ExamplesCommontoString
  • details Convert the specified value to an OdGe::EntityId string.

Determine signed area defined by arrPoints array.
Checks topology of a triangulated solid.
Determines whether the polygon is out of the specified rectangle.
This external function creates a new class description instance with specified parameters and returns a raw pointer to it.
Safe for MSVC and hope for others. CoreRegression test should show. 
memory manipulation functions secure (with check params and throw exceptions) 
Returns palette for dark background
  • details Gets the palette for a dark background.

Returns palette for light background
  • details Gets the palette for a light background.

Returns palette for given background
  • details Gets the palette for a given background.

Returns palette for printing
  • details Gets the palette for printing.

Returns color index for given RGB pPalette - palette to perform mapping
  • details Gets the color index for a given RGB.

Returns RGB for given color index pPalette - palette to perform mapping
  • details Gets the RGB values for a given color index.

Returns the global command stack. 
creates error with specified code and custom message 
creates error with specified code and custom message the message may include formatted parameters 
Clears Ge heap. 
Allocates a block of memory.  
Returns the smart pointer to the Dictionary of Registered Classes
This external function creates a new instance of the class specified by the argument as a string and returns a /non-typified smart pointer/ to it.
Creates a new dictionary object that can be modified only from a single thread and returns the smart pointer to it. 
Creates a new dictionary object that can be modified from multiple threads and returns the smart pointer to it. 
Returns the Teigha global dynamic linker. 
Frees a block of memory.  
Reallocates a block of memory.  
Registeres a callback function to be called when a Hyperlink destructor call is detected. This registration allows you to catch the invokation of each Hyperlink destructor.
Returns the smart pointer to the Dictionary of Registered Services. 
Returns the raw pointer to the Root Run-Time Dictionary
Unregisteres a previously registered callback function to be called when a Hyperlink destructor call is detected. 
Removes an OdBaseDatabaseByResolver object.
Const correct safe cast for enumerations. Returns non-NULL only if ValueType is contained in this value.
Const correct safe cast. Returns non-NULL only if ValueType is contained in this value.
Safe cast. Returns non-NULL only if ValueType is contained in this value.
extern OdGePoint3d getBePnt3d(OdUInt8** ppBuff); 
This is missing on some older HP compiler versions. 
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