ODA IFC SDK Developer's Guide > IFC Data Management > Standard Data Access Interface in IFC SDK > Introduction into SDAI
Introduction into SDAI

The Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI) provides a low-level API for manipulating data defined with the EXPRESS Schema. SDAI works with the following:

  • Dictionary schema — Defines EXPRESS schemas.
  • Session — Controls the SDAI environment.
  • Repository — Stores models and schema instances.
  • Model — Stores an entity instance according to an appropriate EXPRESS schema.
  • Schema Instance — Represents one or several models correctly filled according to an appropriate EXPRESS schema.

SDAI provides the following functionality:

  • Sessions, repositories, models, and schema instance management.
  • Manipulations with application data (entity instances, aggregates, attributes), including data validation.

Standard Data Access Interface is defined in the ISO 10303-24 standard.

IFC SDK supports the SDAI via a set of functions included in its API. This interface is late-binding and is not object-oriented.

To get access to SDAI functions, include the sdai.h header file located in the Ifc/Include/sdai subfolder of the ODA Software installation folder.

See Also

SDAI Usage Procedure

Standard Data Access Interface in IFC SDK

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