API Reference > Classes > PRC Topology Classes
PRC Topology Classes

Class stores data of an edge inside the loop. 

Class representing a space region delimited by one or more shells. 

Class stores additional data of base topological entities. 

Class representing data defining a wire edge. It contains information about a 3D curve, which defines the geometrical shape of the edge. 

Class representing a surface's bounded part which is defined by a surface, an optional domain for trimming a face definition, an associated tolerance, and a list of loops for delimiting a bounded part. 

Class stores information about a loop. A loop is a list of co-edges that bound a piece of a face. 

Class stores information about a vertex at the position that is the average value of extremity positions of all edges. 

Class stores information about an array of topological items. 

Class stores information about a single wire body. 

Class representing a set of geometry and topology. It contains topological bodies that are represented as entry elements and points to geometry and topological items. 

A base class that is used for representing all topological entities. 

Class representing an unique vertex. A vertex position is specified with a tolerance and a 3D absolute position. 
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