API Reference > Classes > PRC Topology Classes > OdPrcTopoContext Class
OdPrcTopoContext Class
class OdPrcTopoContext : public OdPrcBase;



Class representing a set of geometry and topology. It contains topological bodies that are represented as entry elements and points to geometry and topological items.

Destroys an instance of a PRC entity. 
This is the overview for the attributeData method overload. 
Returns the OdGsCache object currently assigned to the PRC entity. 
Returns the PRC entity ID. 
Returns whether the PRC entity is persistent (true) or not (false). 
This is the overview for the name method overload. 
Returns the type of the PRC entity. 
Assigns the specified OdGsCache to the PRC entity.
OdPrcTopoContext Class
Adds specified body to the end of the current topological body identifiers array.
Returns the current body's behavior value. 
Returns the current topological body identifiers array. 
Clears topological context data. 
Sets the current scale value to 1. 
Sets the smallest face thickness value value to (granularity * 100). 
Returns the current minimum size of an edge. 
Returns the current value of the scale flag. The scale flag indicates whether a scale is used (true) or is not used (false). 
Returns the current value of the smallest face thickness flag. The smallest face thickness flag indicates whether the smallest face thickness is used (true) or is not used (false). 
Returns the current scale value used to interpret context data. 
Sets a new behavior value for a body.
Sets content of the current topological body identifiers array to the user-specified.
Sets a new minimum size of an edge.
Sets a new scale used to interpret context data.
Sets a new smallest face thickness value.
Sets a new tolerance value used for topological elements.
Returns the current smallest face thickness value. 
Returns the current tolerance value. 
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