API Reference > Classes > PRC Curve Classes > OdPrcOffsetCurve3d Class
OdPrcOffsetCurve3d Class
class OdPrcOffsetCurve3d : public OdPrcCurve3d;



Class implements an offset of a three-dimensional curve along the binormal. Binormal is defined by the curve's tangent and plane normal offset. The offset curve must be a 3D curve without transformation. Parameterization has coefficients with default values (coef_a is equal 1.0, coef_b is equal 0.0), and the interval is equal to the base curve interval.

Destroys the curve object. 
This is the overview for the contentCurve method overload. 
Returns the current curve's 3D flag value. The flag is equal to true if the curve is a 3D object or is equal to false in the other case. 
Returns the current parameterization information used for the curve. 
Reads curve data from a specified input stream, and creates and returns a curve entity.
Reads data from a specified input stream into a curve array.
Reads curve data from a specified input stream, creates a curve, and returns a smart pointer to an OdPrcCurve object.
Sets new parametrization information to the curve.
Writes data from a curve array to a specified output stream.
Writes curve data to a specified output stream.
OdPrcCurve3d Class
Creates new 3d curve instance from OdGeCurve3d.
Returns the current transformation matrix for the curve. 
Returns the current curve data.
Returns the current curve's 3D flag value. The flag is equal to true if curve is a 3D object or is equal to false in the other case. 
Sets a new instance of the curve data.
Sets a new transformation for the curve.
Returns the current transformation for the curve. 
OdPrcOffsetCurve3d Class
Returns the current base curve for the offset curve. 
Returns the current offset distance value for the offset curve. 
Returns the current offset plane normal of the offset curve. 
Sets a new base curve to offset.
Sets a new value of the offset distance for the offset curve.
Set a new offset plane normal for the offset curve.
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