API Reference > Classes > PRC Curve Classes > OdPrcCurve3d Class > OdPrcCurve3d Methods > OdPrcCurve3d::getOdGeCurve Method
OdPrcCurve3d::getOdGeCurve Method
virtual OdResult getOdGeCurve(OdGeCurve3d*& pGeCurve, const OdGeTol& tol = OdGeContext::gTol) const;
OdGeCurve3d*& pGeCurve 
[out] A reference to an OdGeCurve3d object pointer to store curve information.  
const OdGeTol& tol = OdGeContext::gTol 
[in] Tolerance. Default value is equal to OdGeContext::gTol.

Returns eOk if common curve information was successfully passed back to the calling subroutine or returns an appropriate error code in the other case.

Returns the current curve data. 


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