API Reference > Classes > PRC Files, Structures and Assemblies > OdPrcAuditInfoImpl Class > OdPrcAuditInfoImpl Methods > OdPrcAuditInfoImpl::printError Method
OdPrcAuditInfoImpl::printError Method
virtual void printError(const OdString& name, const OdString& value, const OdString& validation = OdString::kEmpty, const OdString& defaultValue = OdString::kEmpty);
const OdString& name 
[in] A type of erroneous data that is found.  
const OdString& value 
[in] A value of the erroneous data.  
const OdString& validation = OdString::kEmpty 
[in] A reason why the data was erroneous.  
const OdString& defaultValue = OdString::kEmpty 
[in] A default value to which the data was set. 

Notification method, which should be called to print error information. Prints log information about an error detected or fixed during an audit. 


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