API Reference > Classes > PRC Curve Classes
PRC Curve Classes Classes
PRC Curve Classes  Legend

Class representing a three-dimensional curve defined through a UV-curve lying in the surface's domain. On-surface curves can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. 

Class stores data of a U iso-parametric curve of a Blend02 surface. 

Class implements a two-dimensional composite curve containing one or several sub curves. 

Class implements a three-dimensional composite curve containing one or several sub curves. 

Class stores additional data of a curve. 

Class representing crossing points data. 

An abstract class of a curve. This class is the base class for various curve classes. 

Class implements a two-dimensional curve. 

Class implements a three-dimensional curve. 

Class implements a two-dimensional ellipse with its possible parameterization and transformation for positioning in model space. 

Class implements a three-dimensional ellipse with its possible parameterization and transformation for positioning in model space. 

Class implements a two-dimensional curve defined by mathematical functions of one variable on the X and Y axis. Equation curve can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. 

Class implements a three-dimensional curve defined by mathematical functions of one variable on the X, Y and Z axis. Equation curve can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. 

Class implements a helix with a constant pitch. A helix is a three-dimensional curve defined on an [-infinite, infinite] interval. A helix can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. 

Class implements a helix with a variable pitch. A helix is a three-dimensional curve defined on an [-infinite, infinite] interval. A helix can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. 

Class implements a two-dimensional hyperbola defined on an [-infinite, infinite] interval. A hyperbola can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. 

Class implements a three-dimensional hyperbola defined on the [-infinite, infinite] interval. A hyperbola can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. 

Class implements a curve which represents the exact intersections of two surfaces. An intersection curve can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. 

Class implements a two-dimensional line. A canonical line is allocated along the positive half of the X-axis and starts from the 0.0 point. A line can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. 

Class implements a three-dimensional line. A canonical line is allocated along the positive half of the X-axis and starts from the 0.0 point. A line can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. 

Class implements a two-dimensional non-uniform rational bspline (NURBS) curve. 

Class implements a three-dimentional non-uniform rational bspline (NURBS) curve. 

Class implements an offset of a three-dimensional curve along the binormal. Binormal is defined by the curve's tangent and plane normal offset. The offset curve must be a 3D curve without transformation. Parameterization has coefficients with default values (coef_a is equal 1.0, coef_b is equal 0.0), and the interval is equal to the base curve interval. 

Class implements a two-dimensional parabolic curve (parabola). A parabola can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. 

Class implements a three-dimensional parabolic curve (parabola). A parabola can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. 

Class implements a two-dimensional polyline consisting of a set of lines defined by a sequence of points. A polyline can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. 

Class implements a three-dimensional polyline consisting of a set of lines defined by a sequence of points. A polyline can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. 

Class implements a two-dimensional transformed curve. A transformed curve is a curve defined by the result of a three-dimensional mathematical function applied to a base curve. A transfomed curve can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. 

Class implements a three-dimensional transformed curve. A transformed curve is a curve defined by the result of a three-dimensional mathematical function applied to a base curve. A transfomed curve can be parameterized and transformed for positioning in model space. 
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