Drawings SDK Developer Guide > Working with .dwg Files > Working with Databases > Working with Database Containers > Working with Dictionaries of Objects > Working with Specific Dictionaries > Visual Style Dictionary > Visual Style Properties
Visual Styles Properties

Each visual style is a set of predefined properties and flags. It contains numbers, for example, face opacity value, or colors like edge color. Currently the visual styles structure contains about 60 properties, but this is extensible structure, so it can be increased in the future.

The most essential Visual Styles properties can be grouped in the following way:

  • Face-related properties
    • Lighting model
    • Lighting quality
    • Color mode
    • Opacity override
    • Specular override
  • Edge-related properties
    • Edge model
    • Enable silhouettes
    • Enable obscured edges
    • Crease angle
    • Halo gap effect
    • Display always on top
    • Width override
    • Color override
    • Intersection edges
    • Overhang effect
    • Jitter effect
    • Opacity override
  • Display-related properties
    • Enable backgrounds
    • Enable materials
    • Enable textures
    • Draw order

Some of the mentioned property's groups may consist of a set of properties. For example, Enable Edge Silhouettes internally includes silhouettes color and width properties.

This classification does not enumerate all visual styles properties but it includes commonly used properties.

The detailed description of each property can be find in the following topics:

Face-related properties

Edge-related properties

Display-related properties

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