API Reference > Other Classes > OdModelerGeometry Class > OdModelerGeometry Methods > OdModelerGeometry::revolve Method
OdModelerGeometry::revolve Method
virtual OdResult revolve(const OdDbRegion* pRegion, const OdGePoint3d& axisPoint, const OdGeVector3d& axisDir, double angleOfRevolution, bool isSolid = true) = 0;
const OdDbRegion* pRegion 
[in] Pointer to the region to be revolved.  
const OdGePoint3d& axisPoint 
[in] Point on the axis of revolution.  
const OdGeVector3d& axisDir 
[in] Vector defining the axis of revolution.  
double angleOfRevolution 
[in] Angle of revolution. 

Creates a solid by revolving the specified region. 


The axis of revolution is projected onto the plane of the region, parallel to its normal. 

All angles are expressed in radians. 

The following constraints apply: 

  • The projected axis of revolution cannot intersect the region.
  • angleOfRevolution >= 1e-6

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