API Reference > Other Classes > OdModelerGeometry Class > OdModelerGeometry Methods > OdModelerGeometry::extrudeAlongPath Method
OdModelerGeometry::extrudeAlongPath Method
virtual OdResult extrudeAlongPath(const OdDbRegion* region, const OdDbCurve* path, double taperAngle = 0.0, bool isSolid = true) = 0;
const OdDbRegion* region 
[in] Pointer to a region object for extruding from.  
const OdDbCurve* path 
[in] Pointer to a curve object to extrude along. Must be one of the following:
  • Line
  • OdDbArc
  • OdDbCircle
  • Ellipse
  • OdDbSpline
  • OdDb2dPolyline
  • non-spline fit OdDb3dPolyline

double taperAngle = 0.0 
[in] Extrusion taper angle in radians. Default value is 0.0. Value must be between 0.5 pi and -0.5 pi. If the path represented by the OdDbCurve object is closed, the taper angle parameter is ignored.  
bool isSolid = true 
[in] Boolean flag that indicates that the ModelerGeometry object is a solid.

Returns eOk if extruding operation is successful or an appropriate error code if not.

Creates a ModelerGeometry object by extruding a region along a path curve. 


Entity path must not have self-intersections, and it is recommended that the path not have high curvature areas. The following constraints are applied: |taper Angle| >= 1e-6

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