API Reference > Other Classes > OdModelerGeometry Class > OdModelerGeometry Methods > OdModelerGeometry::extrude Method
OdModelerGeometry::extrude Method
virtual OdResult extrude(const OdDbRegion* pRegion, double height, double taperAngle, bool isSolid = true) = 0;
const OdDbRegion* pRegion 
[in] Pointer to the region to be extruded.  
double height 
[in] Height of the extrusion.  
double taperAngle 
[in] Taper angle. 

Creates a solid by extruding the specified region. 


The extrusion direction is along the normal of the region. Height may be negative. 

All angles are expressed in radians. 

The following constraints apply: 

  • |height| >= 1e-6.
  • |taperAngle| < OdaPI2 - 1e-6.

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