API Reference > Other Classes > OdModelerGeometry Class > OdModelerGeometry Methods > OdModelerGeometry::checkInterference Method
OdModelerGeometry::checkInterference Method
virtual OdResult checkInterference(const OdDb3dSolid* otherSolid, bool createNewSolid, bool& solidsInterfere, OdDb3dSolidPtr & commonVolumeSolid) const = 0;
const OdDb3dSolid* otherSolid 
[in] A pointer to another solid object for checking interference.  
bool createNewSolid 
[in] A flag determining where a new solid object containing the interference must be created.  
bool& solidsInterfere 
[out] A reference to a boolean variable where the result of the interference checking will be stored and returned.  
OdDb3dSolidPtr & commonVolumeSolid 
[out] A reference to a pointer to a new solid containing the interference of the origin solid and otherSolid.

Returns eOk if interference checking is successful or an appropriate error code in other case.

Checks whether the solid interferes with another solid object. 


The caller of this function is responsible for the memory used by the object pointed to by commonVolumeSolid (resulting from intersection of this solid and otherSolid) when the function finishes. If commonVolumeSolid is added to a database, the database takes responsibility for the memory pointed to by commonVolumeSolid. If commonVolumeSolid is not added to a database, the caller must delete memory when it is no longer needed to avoid a memory leak.

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