API Reference > Other Classes > OdEditorReactor Class > OdEditorReactor Methods > OdEditorReactor::comandeered Method
OdEditorReactor::comandeered Method
virtual void comandeered(OdDbDatabase* pToDb, OdDbObjectId id, OdDbDatabase* pFromDb);
OdDbDatabase* pToDb 
[in] Host database.  
OdDbDatabase* pFromDb 
[in] Xref database.  
[in] Object ID of the comandeered object. 

Notification function called whenever an object in an Xref database has been comandeered. 


Rather than copy an Xref dependent object to the host database, the Object ID of the object is merely appended to the host database symbol table with the name of the Xref prepended to it. 

Thus, the block BAR in the xrefed database FOO, becomes FOO|BAR in the host database.

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