API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDgGripPointsPE Class > OdDgGripPointsPE Methods > OdDgGripPointsPE::moveStretchPointsAt Method
OdDgGripPointsPE::moveStretchPointsAt Method
virtual OdResult moveStretchPointsAt(OdDgElement* pEntity, const OdIntArray& indices, const OdGeVector3d& offset);
OdDgElement* pEntity 
[in] Pointer to the entity.  
const OdIntArray& indices 
[in] Array of indicies.  
const OdGeVector3d& offset 
[in] The direction and magnitude of the stretch points offset (WCS). 

Returns eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code if not. The default implementation of this function returns eNotImplemented.

Moves the specified stretch points of this entity. 


Each element in stretchPoints has a corresponding entry in indices, which specifies the index of the stretch point as returned by getStretchPoints.

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