API Reference > OdDb Classes > OdDgGripPointsPE Class > OdDgGripPointsPE Methods > moveGripPointsAt Method > OdDgGripPointsPE::moveGripPointsAt Method (OdDgElement*, OdDgVoidPtrArray&, OdGeVector3d&, int)
OdDgGripPointsPE::moveGripPointsAt Method (OdDgElement*, OdDgVoidPtrArray&, OdGeVector3d&, int)
virtual OdResult moveGripPointsAt(OdDgElement* pEntity, const OdDgVoidPtrArray& grips, const OdGeVector3d& offset, int bitFlags);
OdDgElement* pEntity 
[in] Pointer to the entity.  
const OdDgVoidPtrArray& grips 
[in] Array of OdDbGripData identifiers.  
const OdGeVector3d& offset 
[in] The direction and magnitude of the grip points offset (WCS). 

Moves the specified grip points of this entity. 


The default implementation of this function returns eNotImplemented.

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